Part 25 (2/2)

A desperate expression crossed the countenance of the elder man.

”You must agree that he has done something!” he cried. ”He wouldn't allow a darkey to annoy him like this for fun, would he? He wouldn't wear that deathly look, and let his child grow thin with worriment, just as a matter of amus.e.m.e.nt!”

To this Roseleaf could not formulate a suitable answer. He felt the force of the suggestions, but he would not a.s.sociate crime with the sedate gentleman who was the object of these suspicions. He simply could not think of anything disreputable in connection with Daisy's father, and it seemed almost as bad to invent an offense for the character in his novel whose photograph he had thus far taken from Mr. Fern.

Daisy was surprised, a month after this, to have Mr. Weil stop her in the hallway, and speak with a new abruptness.

”Why don't that cursed n.i.g.g.e.r start for Europe?” he asked.

She glanced around her with a frightened look. She feared ears that should not might hear them. But she rallied as she reflected that Hannibal was miles away, in fact in the city with her father.

”He is going soon,” she replied. ”But why do you allude to him by that harsh term? I thought you rather liked him.”

”I do,” he answered. ”I like him so well that if he continues to talk to--to your father--as I heard him the other day, I will throw him into the Hudson: I can't stand by and see him insult an--an old man--much longer.”

The girl looked at him with sad eyes.

”I thought I had succeeded in silencing that kind of talk,” she said.

”Mr. Roseleaf used to speak very violently of Hannibal, but he has listened to reason of late. Let me beg you to see nothing and hear nothing, if you are the friend of this family you have given us reason to believe.”

She extended her hand, as if to ask a promise of him, but he affected not to see it.

”When does he intend to go?” he demanded.

”Before the 1st of April.”

”I will give him till that date,” he answered, ”but not an hour beyond.

He will sail out of this country for some port or other, or there will be a collision. You must not, you shall not defend him!” he added, as she was about to speak. ”I know the harm he is doing, and it must have an end!”

Turning from her suddenly he went out of doors. Far down the road he stopped to look around, pressing his hand to his forehead, like one who would make sure he is awake, and not the victim of some fearful dream.



Before the first of April came, Hannibal sailed. During the winter he had taken lessons in French of a city teacher, until he believed he could get along after a fas.h.i.+on with that language. He announced to Daisy that he would go on the third of March, then he changed it to the tenth, and again to the seventeenth. Each time, when the date approached, he seemed to have a weakening of purpose, a dread of actually plunging into the tide that set toward foreign The girl had interviews with him on each of these occasions, at which what pa.s.sed was known only to themselves. And each time, when she had reached her own room, she threw herself on her bed and wept bitterly.

But, at last, on the twenty-fourth, he went. With his overcoat on his arm, his satchel and umbrella in his hands, he said ”Good-by” to the little party that gathered at the door. He had been treated with great consideration in that home. Perhaps he realized this to some extent as he was about to turn his back upon it. Certain it is that he could not hide the choking in his throat, as he said the words of farewell. Archie Weil, who stood there with the rest, thought he saw a strange look in those black orbs as they dwelt a moment on the younger daughter; but it pa.s.sed so quickly he could not be sure.

Mr. Fern was there, and Roseleaf. Millicent had responded, when a servant went to inform her that Hannibal was going, that she was very glad. Did she wish to go down? By no means. She hoped she was not such a fool.

Weil, who watched everybody, saw an unmistakable relief in the careworn countenance of Mr. Fern, when the tall form of his late servant disappeared at the gate.

”I hope you will do well,” had been the last words of the merchant, and Daisy had added, ”So do we all, I am sure.” Roseleaf had not spoken. He had stood a little apart from the others, his mind filled with varying emotions. It was he who had furnished the money to carry out this plan, and if it made one hour of Daisy's life happier he would be content.
