Part 2 (1/2)
Chapter Three.
Trembling legs were the least of Noelle's worries, but wonderful s.e.x topped the list. She was pus.h.i.+ng hard and although she knew her actions would end up biting her in the a.s.s, she just couldn't seem to stop herself.
Cash was a commanding presence. Noelle had always known it, but the way he kissed her, nearly devouring her, took her breath away. Now that she was out in the chilled night air, catching her breath should be no problem.
Only that wasn't the case.
Remembering the way Cash had touched her, tormenting her with his hands, mouth, and the wicked length of his c.o.c.k, left no denial as to how dominant he actually was.
Knowing she might very well be getting more than she'd bargained for sent s.h.i.+vers of antic.i.p.ation up her spine. As soon as she finished speaking with the owner of Dooner' s about a job, she'd go home and rest up for tomorrow.
If Cash thought he could touch her and kiss her the way he had, as a means of punishment or as a scare tactic, he was sadly mistaken. And Noelle planned to make sure he knew it.
It took a lot of concentration, but Noelle finally got her head on straight and her thoughts out of the gutter. By the time she reached Dooner's she was well prepared for what she hoped would be a lucrative waitressing job.
Forty minutes later, with a tray full of drinks in hand, Noelle began her training. She did well during the short, three-hour s.h.i.+ft she pulled and planned to do even better tomorrow night when she came back for a full four hours.
Mona Sinclair, the owner of Dooner's, had hired her on the spot and within minutes, they'd come to an agreement. Noelle would work a four-hour s.h.i.+ft, five days a week until the Christmas season was over and then move on to full-time. By then, she ought to have the lay of the land and know how to wield a tray with precision. At least that's what Mona had said.
Just knowing she was now gainfully employed took a bit of the pressure off. Now she'd be able to either find her own place closer to town or pay her parents rent for the small apartment above the garage she'd been occupying. Either way, she felt like life was finally taking a turn in the right direction.
”I'm off, Mona.” Her new boss was a very stylish, forty-something-year-old woman with a wicked sense of humor. Noelle liked her right off the bat.
”Sure thing, missy. You take care.”
Noelle headed out the front door and back up the street to where her car was parked. Although Chaos was a fairly small town without big-city crime, she still kept her eyes open for any danger, just as her daddy had taught her.
The drive out to her parent's small ranch took much longer than Noelle would have liked. She was so tired after her long day of working and flirting that it took everything in her to keep her eyes open.
She couldn't help but sigh tiredly when she finally reached the house. It was dark and quiet, perfect for thinking, but Noelle was too d.a.m.ned tired to think. Tonight she was going to sleep like the dead.
Tomorrow morning, however, would have her bright-eyed, bushy-tailed and hopefully as irritating to Cash as she had been today.
Unfortunately, things didn't quite work out the way Noelle had envisioned. She'd made her way up the rickety stairs to her apartment and into bed in a matter of minutes, but instead of sleeping, she'd tossed and turned. And dreamed.
The next morning Noelle stood post on her street corner and thought about the night before. Some of her dreams had been so erotic she couldn't help but blush just remembering them, even in the light of a brand-new day. Pus.h.i.+ng naughty thoughts out of her sleep-deprived mind, Noelle fired up her boom box. Within seconds Christmas carols filled the crisp morning air.
She smoothed a hand down her shorter than usual skirt and unb.u.t.toned another b.u.t.ton on her white dress s.h.i.+rt then began setting up for the day. She had on a fuzzy, red b.u.t.ton-down sweater over the top of her s.h.i.+rt. It wasn't thick by any stretch of the imagination but it was cover, and thus would keep her out of trouble while still showing off her a.s.sets.
Noelle smiled then checked her watch, curious to see how long it would take Cash to wake this morning. What type of a mood would he be in? So many different thoughts tumbled through her mind.
Her bell sounded merrily as did Noelle. She greeted those pa.s.sing by as long-lost friends, even making a few new ones in the process. It was wonderful to see so many people giving to charity. Her little red pail seemed to be filling quite nicely. A surprise to Noelle since it wasn't quite ten o'clock yet.
Letting impatience get the best of her, Noelle rang the little bell in her hand as if her life depended on it. If Cash didn't show himself soon, she was going to have to resort to drastic measures.
Noelle wasn't quite sure exactly what those drastic measures were, but she'd sure the h.e.l.l think of something if necessary.
Murder was too good for the bell ringer from h.e.l.l. She deserved an a.s.s whipping to outdo all a.s.s whippings. He grumbled and complained as he climbed from the warmth of his bed. Two mornings in a row were too many as far as he was concerned.
Still p.i.s.sed off from the night before, Cash yanked on a pair of faded jeans. He didn't bother fastening his pants much less putting on a s.h.i.+rt or shoes before making his way down to the bar where there would be a fresh pot of coffee.
Not for the first time in his life, Cash decided whoever had come up with the idea of putting a timer on a coffeepot deserved a medal of some sort.
He was enjoying a moment of bliss, eyes closed, warm coffee in hand when a burst of cold air came from the back of the building. Within seconds Cooper and Casey, the youngest two McCain siblings, made their way into the main area of the bar.
”Mornin'.” Casey approached him for a brotherly hug. She always felt so tiny against him but not in the same way as Noelle. By height standards, Noelle was small but she was far from fragile with her overblown womanly curves.
Cash, disgusted with himself for comparing his little sister to her best friend-the same friend he'd all but devoured the evening before, stepped away from Casey so fast she stumbled forward.
”Oh h.e.l.l,” Cash cursed, placing a steadying hand out for Casey. ”Sorry, Case.”
She c.o.c.ked her head to the side, her bouncy brown curls falling over her forehead in the process. ”Everything okay?”
Cash thanked everything holy that she had no idea of what had been happening between Noelle and him. If Casey had even an idea, she'd be on him like white on rice.
”Yup. Everything's just fine.”
”Good G.o.d, what is that awful racket?”
The disgruntled question came from Cooper, the youngest McCain brother, who also just happened to be the only staid one of the bunch. He liked numbers almost as much as he liked to be alone. Cash could only imagine how annoying Noelle's bell would be to his accountant brother. The thought made him smile.
”Ohhhh!” By the squeal of delight, and the way Casey was racing for the front door, Cash figured she'd just noticed Noelle across the street.
”It's Noelle. She's got a new job.” Cash was actually enjoying Cooper's discomfort.
”You mean they actually pay her to make that noise?” The look on Cooper's face was just too much. Cash couldn't help but laugh.
”I don't think they pay her to make that much noise. I believe she gives it a bit extra for my benefit.”
Cooper grumbled something about loud females on his way to the coffeepot to which Cash just shook his head. It was beyond comprehension the way Cooper acted toward women, as if he could take them or leave them and be perfectly happy either way. Nothing seemed to excite the man.
”Where's the pipsqueak?” Cash asked of his niece Autumn, Casey's five-year-old daughter.
”She's with Mike for the morning.” Mike was Casey's ex-husband. It still made no sense to Cash how two people could divorce and remain good friends. To his dying day, he'd never understand it.
Cooper mumbled something else as he left the room making his way toward the storage room, which also doubled as an office, to do the bookwork. Without any further distractions, Cash was able to get back to work.
A couple of hours pa.s.sed and before Cash knew it, it was time to open for the day. He went to the window to change the sign to ”open” and couldn't help but notice that Noelle still stood across the street ringing her bell, although she no longer seemed in the high spirits she'd been in earlier that morning.
He was just beginning to wonder where Casey had run off to when she wandered her way up the sidewalk toward Noelle, a bag in hand. The transfer of the bag and goodbyes didn't take long at all. Within minutes, Casey was walking back across the street toward Raising Cain, a mischievous smile on her face.
Cash knew in that instant he was in trouble. Casey's first words as she strode through the door, proved it.