Part 81 (2/2)
Saw ye my Saviour? Heard ye the glad sound?
Felt ye the power of the Word?
'T was the Truth that made us free, And was found by you and me [25]
In the life and the love of our Lord.
[Page 399.]
Mourner, it calls you,-”Come to my bosom, [1]
Love wipes your tears all away, And will lift the shade of gloom, And for you make radiant room Midst the glories of one endless day.” [5]
Sinner, it calls you,-”Come to this fountain, Cleanse the foul senses within; 'Tis the Spirit that makes pure, That exalts thee, and will cure All thy sorrow and sickness and sin.” [10]
Strongest deliverer, friend of the friendless, Life of all being divine: Thou the Christ, and not the creed; Thou the Truth in thought and deed; Thou the water, the bread, and the wine. [15]
Laus Deo!
Written on laying the corner-stone of The Mother Church
_Laus Deo_, it is done!
Rolled away from loving heart Is a stone. [20]
Lifted higher, we depart, Having one.
_Laus Deo_,-on this rock (Heaven chiselled squarely good) Stands His church,- [25]
G.o.d is Love, and understood By His flock.
[Page 400.]
_Laus Deo_, night star-lit [1]
Slumbers not in G.o.d's embrace; Be awake; Like this stone, be in thy place: Stand, not sit. [5]
Grave, silent, steadfast stone, Dirge and song and shoutings low In thy heart Dwell serene,-and sorrow? No, It has none, [10]
_Laus Deo!_
A Verse