Part 76 (1/2)

Extremists in every age either doggedly deny or fran- tically affirm what is what: one renders not unto Caesar ”the things that are Caesar's;” the other sees ”Helen's [25]

beauty in a brow of Egypt.”

Pictures are portions of one's ideal, but this ideal is not one's personality. Looking behind the veil, he that perceives a semblance between the thinker and his thought on canvas, blames him not. [30]

Because my ideal of an angel is a woman without _feathers_ on her wings,-is it less artistic or less natu-

[Page 375.]

ral? Pictures which present disordered phases of ma- [1]

terial conceptions and personality blind with animality, are not my concepts of angels. What is the material ego, but the counterfeit of the spiritual?

The truest art of Christian Science is to be a Chris- [5]

tian Scientist; and it demands more than a Raphael to delineate _this_ art.

The following is an extract from a letter reverting to the ill.u.s.trations of ”Christ and Christmas”:-

”In my last letter, I did not utter all I felt about the [10]

wonderful new book you have given us. Years ago, while in Italy, I studied the old masters and their great works of art thoroughly, and so got quite an idea of what const.i.tutes true art. Then I spent two years in Paris, devoting every moment to the study of music and [15]


”The first thing that impressed me in your ill.u.s.tra- tions was the conscientious application to detail, which is is the foundation of true art. From that, I went on to study each ill.u.s.tration thoroughly, and to my amazement [20]

and delight I find an almost identical resemblance, in many things, to the old masters! In other words, the art is perfect.

”The hands and feet of the figures-how many times have I seen these hands and feet in Angelico's ”Jesus,” [25]

or Botticelli's ”Madonna”!

”It gave me such a thrill of joy as no words can ex- press, to see produced to-day that art-the only true art-that we have identified with the old masters, and mourned as belonging to them exclusively,-a thing of [30]

the past, impossible of reproduction.

”All that I can say to you, as one who gives no mean

[Page 376.]

attention to such matters, is that the art is perfect. It [1]

is the true art of the oldest, most revered, most authen- tic Italian school, revived. I use the words _most au-_ _thentic_ in the following sense: the face, figure, and drapery of Jesus, very closely resemble in detail the [5]

face, figure, and drapery of that Jesus portrayed by the oldest of the old masters, and said to have been authen- tic; the face having been taken by Fra Angelico from Caesar's Cameo, the figure and garments from a descrip- tion, in _The Galaxy_, of a small sketch handed down [10]

from the _living reality_. _Their_ productions are expres- sionless copies of an engraving cut in a stone. _Yours_ is a palpitating, living Saviour engraven on the heart.

You have given us back our Jesus, and in a much better is form.” [15]

Sunrise At Pleasant View

Who shall describe the brave splendor of a November sky that this morning burst through the lattice for me, on my bed? According to terrestrial calculations, above the horizon, in the east, there rose one rod of rainbow [20]

hues, crowned with an acre of eldritch ebony. Little by little this topmost pall, drooping over a deeply daz- zling sunlight, softened, grew gray, then gay, and glided into a glory of mottled marvels. Fleecy, faint, fairy blue and golden flecks came out on a background of [25]

cerulean hue; while the lower lines of light kindled into gold, orange, pink, crimson, violet; and diamond, topaz, opal, garnet, turquoise, and sapphire spangled the gloom in celestial s.p.a.ce as with the brightness of His glory.

Then thought I, What are we, that He who fas.h.i.+ons for- [30]