Part 71 (1/2)

so, that, notwithstanding my objection, he should do as he deemed best, for I claim no jurisdiction over any stu- dents. He entered the medical school, and several other students with him. My counsel to all of them was in substance the same as the foregoing, and some of these [20]

students have openly acknowledged this.

In answer to a question on the following subject, I will state that I preached four years, and built up the church, before I would accept the slightest remuneration.

When the church had sufficient members and means to [25]

pay a salary, and refused to give me up or to receive my gratuitous services, I accepted, for a time, fifteen dollars each Sunday when I preached. I never received more than this; and the contributions, when I preached, doubled that amount. I have accepted no pay from my [30]

church for about three years, and believe that I have put into the church-fund about two thousand dollars of

[Page 350.]

my own contributions. I hold receipts for $1,489.50 paid [1]

in, and the balance was never receipted for.

I temporarily organized a secret society known as the P. M., the workings whereof were not ”terrible and too shocking to relate.” By and with advice of the very [5]

student who brings up the question of this society, it was formed. The P. M. (Private Meeting) Society met only twice. The first subject given out for considera- tion was this: ”There is no Animal Magnetism.” There was no advice given, no mental work, and there were [10]

no transactions at those meetings which I would hesitate to have known. On the contrary, our deliberations were, as usual, Christian, and like my public instruction.

The second P. M. convened in about one week from the first. The subject given out at that meeting was, in sub- [15]

stance, ”G.o.d is All; there is none beside Him.” This proved to be our last meeting. I dissolved the society, and we have not met since. If harm could come from the consideration of these two topics, it was because of the misconception of those subjects in the mind that [20]

handled them. An individual state of mind sometimes occasions effects on patients which are not in harmony with Science and the soundness of the argument used.

Hence it prevents the normal action, and the benefit that would otherwise accrue. [25]

I issue no arguments, and cause none to be used in mental practice, which consign people to suffering. On the contrary, I cannot serve two masters; therefore I teach the use of such arguments only as promote health and spiritual growth. My life, consecrated to humanity [30]

through nameless suffering and sacrifice, furnishes its own proof of my practice.

[Page 351.]

I have sometimes called on students to test their ability [1]

and meet the mental malpractice, so as to lift the burdens imposed by students.

The fact is, that for want of time, and for the purpose of blessing even my enemies, I neglect myself. I never [5]

have practised by arguments which, perverted, are the weapons of the silent mental malpractice. I have no skill in occultism; and I could not if I would, and would not if I could, harm any one through the mental method of Mind-healing, or in any manner. [10]

The late much-ado-about-nothing arose solely from mental malicious practice, and the audible falsehood designed to stir up strife between brethren, for the purpose of placing Christian Science in the hands of aspirants for place and power. These repeated attempts of mad [15]

ambition may r.e.t.a.r.d our Cause, but they never can place it in the wrong hands and hold it there, nor benefit mankind by such endeavors.

Fallibility Of Human Concepts

Evil counterfeits good: it says, ”I am Truth,” though [20]

it is a lie; it says, ”I am Love,”-but Love is spirit- ual, and sensuous love is material, wherefore it is hate instead of Love; for the five senses give to mortals pain, sickness, sin, and death,-pleasure that is false, life that leads unto death, joy that becomes sorrow. Love that is [25]

not the procurator of happiness, declares itself the anti- pode of Love; and Love divine punishes the joys of this false sense of love, chastens its affection, purifies it, and turns it into the opposite channels.

Material life is the antipode of spiritual life; it mocks [30]

[Page 352.]

the bliss of spiritual being; it is bereft of permanence and [1]


When human sense is quickened to behold aright the error,-the error of regarding Life, Truth, Love as material and not spiritual, or as both material and spirit- [5]