Part 59 (2/2)

more than has been accomplished by legally coercive measures,-and because this Science bases its work on ethical conditions and mentally destroys the appet.i.te for alcoholic drinks.

Smart journalism is allowable, nay, it is commend- [10]

able; but the public cannot swallow reports of American affairs from a surly censor ventilating his lofty scorn of the sects, or societies, of a nation that perhaps he has never visited.

A Christian Science Statute

I hereby state, in unmistakable language, the follow- [16]

ing statute in the _morale_ of Christian Science:-

A man or woman, having voluntarily entered into wedlock, and accepted the claims of the marriage cove- nant, is held in Christian Science as morally bound to [20]

fulfil all the claims growing out of this contract, unless such claims are relinquished by mutual consent of both parties, or this contract is legally dissolved. If the man is dominant over the animal, he will count the conse- quences of his own conduct; will consider the effects, [25]

on himself and his progeny, of selfishness, unmerciful- ness, tyranny, or l.u.s.t.

Trust Truth, not error; and Truth will give you all that belongs to the rights of freedom. The Hebrew bard

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wrote, ”Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean [1]

not unto thine own understanding.” Nothing is gained by wrong-doing. St. Paul's words take in the situation: ”Not ... (as we be slanderously reported, and as some affirm that we say,) Let us do evil, that good may come? [5]

whose d.a.m.nation is just.”

When causing others to go astray, we also are wan- derers. ”With what measure ye mete, it shall be meas- ured to you again.” Ask yourself: Under the same circ.u.mstances, in the same spiritual ignorance and power [10]

of pa.s.sion, would I be strengthened by having my best friend break troth with me? These words of St. Matthew have special application to Christian Scientists; namely, ”It is not good to marry.”

To build on selfishness is to build on sand. When [15]

Jesus received the material rite of water baptism, he did not say that it was G.o.d's command; but implied that the period demanded it. Trials purify mortals and deliver them from themselves,-all the claims of sensuality.

Abide by the _morale_ of absolute Christian Science,- [20]

self-abnegation and purity; then Truth delivers you from the seeming power of error, and faith vested in righteous- ness triumphs!

Advice To Students

The true consciousness is the true health. One says, [25]

”I find relief from pain in unconscious sleep.” I say, You mistake; through unconsciousness one no more gains freedom from pain than immunity from evil. When unconscious of a mistake, one thinks he is not mistaken; but this false consciousness does not change the fact, or [30]

[Page 299.]

its results; suffering and mistakes recur until one is awake [1]

to their cause and character. To know the what, when, and how of error, destroys error. The error that is seen aright as error, has received its death-blow; but never until then. [5]

Let us look through the lens of Christian Science, not of ”self,” at the following mistake, which demands our present attention. I have no time for detailed report of this matter, but simply answer the following question sent to me; glad, indeed, that this query has finally come [10]

with the courage of conviction to the minds of many students.

”Is it right to copy your works and read them for our public services?”
