Part 49 (1/2)

[Page 247.]

error and heal the sick, wisely demand for man his G.o.d- [1]

given heritage, both human and divine rights; namely, that his honest convictions and _proofs_ of advancing truth be allowed due consideration, and treated not as pearls trampled upon. [5]

Those familiar with my history are more tolerant; those who know me, know that I found health in just what I teach. I have professed Christianity a half-century; and now I calmly challenge the world, upon fair investigation, to furnish a single instance of departure in one of my [10]

works from the highest possible ethics.

The charges against my views are false, but natural, since those bringing them do not understand my state- ment of the Science I introduce, and are unwilling to be taught it, even gratuitously. If they did understand it, they [15]

could demonstrate this Science by healing the sick; hence the injustice of their interpretations.

To many, the healing force developed by Christian Science seems a mystery, because they do not understand that Spirit controls body. They acknowledge the exist- [20]

ence of mortal mind, but believe it to reside in matter of the brain; but that man is the idea of infinite Mind, is not so easily accepted. That which is temporary seems, to the common estimate, solid and substantial.

It is much easier for people to believe that the body [25]

affects mind, than that the body is an expression of mind, and reflects harmony or discord according to thought.

Everything that G.o.d created, He p.r.o.nounced good.

He never made sickness. Hence _that_ is only an evil belief [30]

of mortal mind, which must be met, in every instance, with a denial by Truth.

[Page 248.]

This is the ”new tongue,” the language of them that [1]

”lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover,” whose spiritual interpretation they refuse to hear. For instance: the literal meaning of the pa.s.sage ”lay hands on the sick”

would be manipulation; its moral meaning, found in the [5]

”new tongue,” is spiritual power,-as, in another Scripture, ”I will triumph in the works of Thy hands.”


The Greeks showed a just estimate of the person they called slanderer, when they made the word synonymous [10]

with devil. If the simple falsehoods uttered about me were compounded, the mixture would be labelled thus: ”Religionists' mistaken views of Mrs. Eddy's book, 'Sci- ence and Health with Key to the Scriptures,” and the malice aforethought of sinners.” [15]

That I take opium; that I am an infidel, a mesmerist, a medium, a ”pantheist;” or that my hourly life is prayerless, or not in strict obedience to the Mosaic Decalogue,- is not more true than that I am dead, as is oft reported.

The _St. Louis Democrat_ is alleged to have reported my [20]

demise, and to have said that I died of poison, and bequeathed my property to Susan Anthony.

The opium falsehood has only this to it: Many years ago my regular physician prescribed morphine, which I took, when he could do no more for me. Afterwards, [25]

the glorious revelations of Christian Science saved me from that necessity and made me well, since which time I have not taken drugs, with the following exception: When the mental malpractice of poisoning people was

[Page 249.]

first undertaken by a mesmerist, to test that malprac- [1]

tice I experimented by taking some large doses of mor- phine, to see if Christian Science could not obviate its effect; and I say with tearful thanks, ”The drug had no effect upon me whatever.” The hour has struck, [5]

-”If they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them.”