Part 38 (1/2)

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Atomic action is Mind, not matter. It is neither the [1]

energy of matter, the result of organization, nor the out- come of life infused into matter: it is infinite Spirit, Truth, Life, defiant of error or matter. Divine Science demon- strates Mind as dispelling a false sense and giving the [5]

true sense of itself, G.o.d, and the universe; wherein the mortal evolves not the immortal, nor does the material ultimate in the spiritual; wherein man is coexistent with Mind, and is the recognized reflection of infinite Life and Love. [10]

_And he was casting out a devil, and it was dumb. And it came to_ _pa.s.s, when the devil was gone out, the dumb spake._-LUKE xi. 14.

The meaning of the term ”devil” needs yet to be learned. Its definition as an individual is too limited and contradictory. When the Scripture is understood, [15]

the spiritual signification of its terms will be understood, and will contradict the interpretations that the senses give them; and these terms will be found to include the inspired meaning.

It could not have been a person that our great Master [20]

cast out of another person; therefore the devil herein referred to was an impersonal evil, or whatever worketh ill. In this case it was the evil of dumbness, an error of material sense, cast out by the spiritual truth of being; namely, that speech belongs to Mind instead of matter, [25]

and the wrong power, or the lost sense, must yield to the right sense, and exist in Mind.

In the Hebrew, ”devil” is denominated Abaddon; in the Greek, Apollyon, serpent, liar, the G.o.d of this world, etc. The apostle Paul refers to this personality of evil [30]

as ”the G.o.d of this world;” and then defines this G.o.d

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as ”dishonesty, craftiness, handling the word of G.o.d [1]

deceitfully.” The Hebrew embodies the term ”devil”

in another term, serpent,-which the senses are supposed to take in,-and then defines this serpent as ”more subtle than all the beasts of the field.” Subsequently, [5]

the ancients changed the meaning of the term, to their sense, and then the serpent became a symbol of wisdom.

The Scripture in John, sixth chapter and seventieth verse, refers to a wicked man as the devil: ”Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil?” Accord- [10]

ing to the Scripture, if devil is an individuality, there is more than one devil. In Mark, ninth chapter and thirty- eighth verse, it reads: ”Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name.” Here is an a.s.sertion indicating the existence of more than one devil; and by omitting the [15]

first letter, the name of his satanic majesty is found to be evils, apparent wrong traits, that Christ, Truth, casts out. By no possible interpretation can this pa.s.sage mean several individuals cast out of another individual no bigger than themselves. The term, being here em- [20]

ployed in its plural number, destroys all consistent sup- position of the existence of one personal devil. Again, our text refers to the devil as dumb; but the original devil was a great talker, and was supposed to have out- talked even Truth, and carried the question with Eve. [25]

Also, the original texts define him as an ”accuser,” a ”calumniator,” which would be impossible if he were speechless. These two opposite characters ascribed to him could only be possible as evil beliefs, as different phases of sin or disease made manifest. [30]

Let us obey St. Paul's injunction to reject fables, and accept the Scriptures in their broader, more spiritual

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and practical sense. When we speak of a good man, we [1]

do not mean that man is G.o.d because the Hebrew term for Deity was ”good,” and _vice versa_; so, when referring to a liar, we mean not that he is a personal devil, because the original text defines devil as a ”liar.” [5]

It is of infinite importance to man's spiritual progress, and to his demonstration of Truth in casting out error, -sickness, sin, disease, and death, in all their forms,- that the terms and nature of Deity and devil be understood.

_He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and_ _greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father._- JOHN xiv. 12.

Such are the words of him who spake divinely, well knowing the omnipotence of Truth. The Hebrew bard saith, ”His name shall endure forever: His name shall [15]

be continued as long as the sun.” Luminous with the light of divine Science, his words reveal the great Principle of a full salvation. Neither can we question the practi- cability of the divine Word, who have learned its adapta- bility to human needs, and man's ability to prove the [20]

truth of prophecy.

The fulfilment of the grand verities of Christian healing belongs to every period; as the above Scripture plainly declares, and as primitive Christianity confirms. Also, the last chapter of Mark is emphatic on this subject; [25]

making healing a condition of salvation, that extends to all ages and throughout all Christendom. Nothing can be more conclusive than this: ”And these signs shall follow them that believe; ... they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.” This declaration of [30]

our Master settles the question; else we are entertaining

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