Part 34 (1/2)
she was G.o.d-driven back to the inspired pages. Early training, through the misinterpretation of the Word, had been the underlying cause of the long years of in- validism she endured before Truth dawned upon her understanding, through right interpretation. With the [10]
understanding of Scripture-meanings, had come physical rejuvenation. The uplifting of spirit was the upbuild- ing of the body.
She affirmed that the Scriptures cannot properly be interpreted in a literal way. The truths they teach must [15]
be spiritually discerned, before their message can be borne fully to our minds and hearts. That there is a dual meaning to every Biblical pa.s.sage, the most eminent divines of the world have concluded; and to get at the highest, or metaphysical, it is necessary rightly to read [20]
what the inspired writers left for our spiritual instruction.
The literal rendering of the Scriptures makes them noth- ing valuable, but often is the foundation of unbelief and hopelessness. The metaphysical rendering is health and peace and hope for all. The literal or material reading is [25]
the reading of the carnal mind, which is enmity toward G.o.d, Spirit.
Taking several Bible pa.s.sages, Mrs. Eddy showed how beautiful and inspiring are the thoughts when rightly understood. ”Let the dead bury their dead; follow [30]
thou me,” was one of the pa.s.sages explained metaphysi- cally. In their fullest meaning, those words are salvation
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from the belief of death, the last enemy to be overthrown; [1]
for by following Christ truly, resurrection and life im- mortal are brought to us. If we follow him, to us there can be no dead. Those who know not this, may still believe in death and weep over the graves of their beloved; [5]
but with him is Life eternal, which never changes to death. The eating of bread and drinking of wine at the Lord's supper, merely symbolize the spiritual refresh- ment of G.o.d's children having rightly read His Word, whose entrance into their understanding is healthful life. [10]
This is the reality behind the symbol.
So, also, she spoke of the hades, or h.e.l.l of Scripture, saying, that we make our own heavens and our own, by right and wise, or wrong and foolish, conceptions of G.o.d and our fellow-men. Jesus interpreted all spirit- [15]
ually: ”I have bread to eat that ye know not of,” he said. The bread he ate, which was refreshment of divine strength, we also may all partake of.
The material record of the Bible, she said, is no more important to our well-being than the history of Europe [20]
and America; but the spiritual application bears upon our eternal life. The method of Jesus was purely meta- physical; and no other method is Christian Science. In the pa.s.sage recording Jesus' proceedings with the blind man (Mark viii.) he is said to have spat upon the dust. [25]
Spitting was the Hebrew method of expressing the utmost contempt. So Jesus is recorded as having expressed contempt for the belief of material eyes as having any power to see. Having eyes, ye see not; and ears, ye hear not, he had just told them. The putting on of hands [30]
mentioned, she explained as the putting forth of power.
”Hand,” in Bible usage, often means spiritual power.
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”His hand is not shortened that it cannot save,” can [1]
never be wrested from its true meaning to signify human hands. Jesus' first effort to realize Truth was not wholly successful; but he rose to the occasion with the second attempt, and the blind saw clearly. To suppose that [5]
Jesus did actually anoint the blind man's eyes with his spittle, is as absurd as to think, according to the report of some, that Christian Scientists sit in back-to-back seances with their patients, for the divine power to filter from vertebrae to vertebrae. When one comes to the age [10]
with spiritual translations of G.o.d's messages, expressed in literal or physical terms, our right action is not to con- demn and deny, but to ”try the spirits” and see what manner they are of. This does not mean communing with spirits supposed to have departed from the earth, [15]
but the seeking out of the basis upon which are accom- plished the works by which the new teacher would prove his right to be heard. By these signs are the true disciples of the Master known: the sick are healed; to the poor the gospel is preached. [20]
Extract From A Sermon Delivered In Boston, January 18, 1885
TEXT: _The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman_ _took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened._-MATT.
xiii. 33.
Few people at present know aught of the Science of mental healing; and so many are obtruding upon the public attention their ignorance or false knowledge in the name of Science, that it behooves all clad in the s.h.i.+n- ing mail to keep bright their invincible armor; to keep [30]
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their demonstrations modest, and their claims and lives [1]
steadfast in Truth.