Part 31 (1/2)

I proposed to merge the adjourned meeting in the one held at Chicago, because I saw no advantage, but great disadvantage, in one student's opinions or _modus oper-_ [15]

_andi_ becoming the basis for others: read ”Retrospection”

on this subject. Science is absolute, and best under- stood through the study of my works and the daily Chris- tian demonstration thereof. It is their _materiality_ that clogs the progress of students, and ”this kind goeth not [20]

forth but by prayer and fasting.” It is materialism through which the animal magnetizer preys, and in turn becomes a prey. Spirituality is the basis of all true thought and volition. a.s.sembling themselves together, and listening to each other amicably, or contentiously, is no aid to [25]

students in acquiring solid Christian Science. Experi- ence and, above all, _obedience_, are the aids and tests of growth and understanding in this direction.

With love, MARY B. G. EDDY [30]

[Page 157.]

To A Student

_My Dear Student_:-It is a great thing to be found worthy to suffer for Christ, Truth. Paul said, ”If we suffer, we shall also reign with him.” Reign then, my beloved in the Lord. He that marketh the sparrow's fall [5]

will direct thy way.

I have written, or caused my secretary to write, to Mr.

and Mrs. Stewart, of Toronto, Canada (you will find their card in _The C. S. Journal_,) that you or your lawyer will ask them all questions important for your case, and re- [10]

quested that they furnish all information possible. They will be glad to help you. Every true Christian Scientist will feel ”as bound with you,” but as free in Truth and Love, safe under the shadow of His wing.

Yes, my student, my Father is your Father; and He [15]

helps us most when help is most needed, for He is the ever-present help.

I am glad that you are in good cheer. I enclose you the name of Mr. E. A. Kimball, C. S. D., of Chicago,- 5020 Woodlawn Ave.,-for items relative to Mrs. Steb- [20]

bin's case.

”Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pa.s.s. And He shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday.” This I know, for G.o.d is for us. [25]

Write me when you need me. Error has no power but to destroy itself. It _cannot harm you_; it cannot stop the eternal currents of Truth.

Ever with love, MARY B. G. EDDY

[Page 158.]

To A Student

_My Beloved Student:_-In reply to your letter I will say: G.o.d's ways are not as our ways; but higher far than the heavens above the earth is His wisdom above ours. When I requested you to be ordained, I little [5]

thought of the changes about to be made. When I insisted on your speaking without notes, I little knew that so soon another change in your pulpit would be demanded.

But now, after His messenger has obeyed the message of divine Love, comes the interpretation thereof. But you [10]

see we both had first to obey, and to do this through faith, not sight.

The meaning of it all, as now shown, is this: when you were bidden to be ordained, it was in reward for your faithful service, thus to honor it. The second command, [15]

to drop the use of notes, was to rebuke a lack of faith in divine help, and to test your humility and obedience in bearing this cross.