Part 18 (1/2)
The Scriptures plainly declare the allness and oneness of G.o.d to be the premises of Truth, and that G.o.d is good: in Him dwelleth no evil. Christian Science au- [10]
thorizes the logical conclusion drawn from the Scriptures, that there is in reality none besides the eternal, infinite G.o.d, good. Evil is temporal: it is the illusion of time and mortality.
This being true, sin has no power; and fear, its coeval, [15]
is without divine authority. Science sanctions only what is supported by the unerring Principle of being. Sin can do nothing: all cause and effect are in G.o.d. Fear is a belief of sensation in matter: this belief is neither main- tained by Science nor supported by facts, and exists only [20]
as fable. Your answer is, that neither fear nor sin can bring on disease or bring back disease, since there is in reality no disease.
Bear in mind, however, that human consciousness does not test sin and the fact of its nothingness, by believing [25]
that sin is pardoned without repentance and reforma- tion. Sin punishes itself, because it cannot go unpun- ished either here or hereafter. Nothing is more fatal than to indulge a sinning sense or consciousness for even one moment. Knowing this, obey Christ's Sermon on the [30]
Mount, even if you suffer for it in the first instance,-
[Page 94.]
are misjudged and maligned; in the second, you will [1]
reign with him.
I never knew a person who knowingly indulged evil, to be grateful; to understand me, or himself. He must first see himself and the hallucination of sin; then he [5]
must repent, and love good in order to understand G.o.d.
The sinner and the sin are the twain that are one flesh,- but which G.o.d hath not joined together.
[Page 95.]
Christian Science In Tremont Temple.
From the platform of the Monday lectures.h.i.+p in [2]
Tremont Temple, on Monday, March 16, 1885, as will be seen by what follows. Reverend Mary Baker G.
Eddy was presented to Mr. Cook's audience, and allowed [5]
ten minutes in which to reply to his public letter con- demning her doctrines; which reply was taken in full by a shorthand reporter who was present, and is transcribed below.
Mrs. Eddy responding, said:- [10]
As the time so kindly allotted me is insufficient for even a synopsis of Christian Science, I shall confine my- self to questions and answers.
Am I a spiritualist?
I am not, and never was. I understand the impossi- [15]
bility of intercommunion between the so-called dead and living. There have always attended my life phenomena of an uncommon order, which spiritualists have mis- called mediums.h.i.+p; but I clearly understand that no human agencies were employed,-that the divine Mind [20]
reveals itself to humanity through spiritual law. And to such as are ”waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body,” Christian Science reveals the in-
[Page 96.]
finitude of divinity and the way of man's salvation from [1]
sickness and death, as wrought out by Jesus, who robbed the grave of victory and death of its sting. I understand that G.o.d is an ever-present help in all times of trouble,- have found Him so; and would have no other G.o.ds, no [5]