Part 14 (1/2)

Paradisaical rest from physical agony would come to the criminal, if the dream of dying should startle him from the dream of suffering. The paradise of Spirit would come to Jesus, in a spiritual sense of Life and [15]

power. Christ Jesus lived and reappeared. He was too good to die; for goodness is immortal. The thief was not equal to the demands of the hour; but sin was de- stroying itself, and had already begun to die,-as the poor thief's prayer for help indicated. The dy- [20]

ing malefactor and our Lord were inevitably sepa- rated through Mind. The thief's body, as matter, must dissolve into its native nothingness; whereas the body of the holy Spirit of Jesus was eternal. That day the thief would be with Jesus only in a finite [25]

and material sense of relief; while our Lord would soon be rising to the supremacy of Spirit, working out, even in the silent tomb, those wonderful demon- strations of divine power, in which none could equal his glory. [30]

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_Is it right for me to treat others, when I am not entirely_ [1]

_well myself?_

The late John B. Gough is said to have suffered from an appet.i.te for alcoholic drink until his death; yet he saved many a drunkard from this fatal appet.i.te. Paul [5]

had a thorn in the flesh: one writer thinks that he was troubled with rheumatism, and another that he had sore eyes; but this is certain, that he healed others who were sick. It is unquestionably right to do right; and heal- ing the sick is a very right thing to do. [10]

_Does Christian Science set aside the law of transmission,_ _prenatal desires, and good or bad influences on the unborn_ _child?_

Science never averts law, but supports it. All actual causation must interpret omnipotence, the all-knowing [15]

Mind. Law brings out Truth, not error; unfolds divine Principle,-but neither human hypothesis nor matter.

Errors are based on a mortal or material formation; they are suppositional modes, not the factors of divine presence and power. [20]

Whatever is humanly conceived is a departure from divine law; hence its mythical origin and certain end.

According to the Scriptures,-St. Paul declares astutely, ”For of Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all things,”-man is incapable of originating; nothing can [25]

be formed apart from G.o.d, good, the all-knowing Mind.

What seems to be of human origin is the counterfeit of the divine,-even human concepts, mortal shadows flitting across the dial of time.

Whatever is real is right and eternal; hence the im- [30]

mutable and just law of Science, that G.o.d is good only,

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and can transmit to man and the universe nothing evil, [1]

or unlike Himself. For the innocent babe to be born a lifelong sufferer because of his parents' mistakes or sins, were sore injustice. Science sets aside man as a creator, and unfolds the eternal harmonies of the only living and [5]

true origin, G.o.d.

According to the beliefs of the flesh, both good and bad traits of the parents are transmitted to their help- less offspring, and G.o.d is supposed to impart to man this fatal power. It is cause for rejoicing that this belief [10]

is as false as it is remorseless. The immutable Word saith, through the prophet Ezekiel, ”What mean ye, that ye use this proverb concerning the land of Israel, saying, The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge? As I live, saith the Lord G.o.d, [15]

ye shall not have occasion any more to use this proverb in Israel.”

_Are material things real when they are harmonious, and_ _do they disappear only to the natural sense? Does this_ _Scripture, __”__Your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have_ [20]

_need of all these things__”__ imply that Spirit takes note of_ _matter?_

The Science of Mind, as well as the material unii verse, shows that nothing which is material is in perpetual harmony. Matter is manifest mortal mind, [35]

and it exists only to material sense. Real sensation is not material; it is, and must be, mental: and Mind is not mortal, it is immortal. Being is G.o.d, infinite Spirit; therefore it cannot cognize aught material, or outside of infinity. [30]

The Scriptural pa.s.sage quoted affords no evidence of

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the reality of matter, or that G.o.d is conscious of it. [1]

The so-called material body is said to suffer, but this supposition is proven erroneous when Mind casts out the suffering. The Scripture saith, ”Whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth;” and again, ”He doth not [5]

afflict willingly.” Interpreted materially, these pas- sages conflict; they mingle the testimony of immor- tal Science with mortal sense; but once discern their spiritual meaning, and it separates the false sense from the true, and establishes the reality of what is spiritual, [10]