Part 9 (1/2)

_Can Christian Science cure acute cases where there is_ _necessity for immediate relief, as in membranous croup?_

The remedial power of Christian Science is positive, and its application direct. It cannot fail to heal in every case of disease, when conducted by one who un- [10]

derstands this Science sufficiently to demonstrate its highest possibilities.

_If I have the toothache, and nothing stops it until I_ _have the tooth extracted, and then the pain ceases, has_ _the mind, or extracting, or both, caused the pain to_ [15]


What you thought was pain in the bone or nerve, could only have been a belief of pain in matter; for matter has no sensation. It was a state of mortal thought made manifest in the flesh. You call this body matter, when [20]

awake, or when asleep in a dream. That matter can re- report pain, or that mind is _in_ matter, reporting sensa- tions, is but a dream at all times. You believed that if the tooth were extracted, the pain would cease: this de- mand of mortal thought once met, your belief a.s.sumed [25]

a new form, and said, There is no more pain. When your belief in pain ceases, the pain stops; for matter has no intelligence of its own. By applying this men- tal remedy or antidote directly to your belief, you scien-

[Page 45.]

tifically prove the fact that Mind is supreme. This is not [1]

done by will-power, for that is not Science but mesmerism.

The full understanding that G.o.d is Mind, and that mat- ter is but a belief, enables you to control pain. Chris- tian Science, by means of its Principle of metaphysical [5]

healing, is able to do more than to heal a toothache; although its power to allay fear, prevent inflammation, and destroy the necessity for ether-thereby avoiding the fatal results that frequently follow the use of that drug-render this Science invaluable in the practice [10]

of dentistry.

_Can an atheist or a profane man be cured by metaphysics,_ _or Christian Science?_

The moral status of the man demands the remedy of Truth more in this than in most cases; therefore, under [15]

the deific law that supply invariably meets demand, this Science is effectual in treating moral ailments. Sin is not the master of divine Science, but _vice versa_; and when Science in a single instance decides the conflict, the patient is better both morally and physically. [20]

_If G.o.d made all that was made, and it was good, where_ _did evil originate?_

It never originated or existed as an ent.i.ty. It is but a false belief; even the belief that G.o.d is not what the Scriptures imply Him to be, All-in-all, but that there [25]

is an opposite intelligence or mind termed evil. This error of belief is idolatry, having ”other G.o.ds before me.”

In John i. 3 we read, ”All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made.”

[Page 46.]

The admission of the reality of evil perpetuates the belief [1]

or faith in evil. The Scriptures declare, ”To whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are.”

The leading self-evident proposition of Christian Science is: good being real, evil, good's opposite, is unreal. This [5]

truism needs only to be tested scientifically to be found true, and adapted to destroy the appearance of evil to an extent beyond the power of any doctrine previously entertained.

_Do you teach that you are equal with G.o.d?_ [10]

A reader of my writings would not present this ques- tion. There are no such indications in the premises or conclusions of Christian Science, and such a misconcep- tion of Truth is not scientific. Man is not equal with his Maker; that which is formed is not cause, but effect, [15]

and has no power underived from its creator. It is pos- sible, and it is man's duty, so to throw the weight of his thoughts and acts on the side of Truth, that he be ever found in the scale _with_ his creator; not weighing equally with Him, but comprehending at every point, in [20]

divine Science, the full significance of what the apostle meant by the declaration, ”The Spirit itself beareth wit- ness with our spirit, that we are the children of G.o.d: and if children, then heirs; heirs of G.o.d, and joint-heirs with Christ.” In Science, man represents his divine Prin- [25]

ciple,-the Life and Love that are G.o.d,-even as the idea of sound, in tones, represents harmony; but thought has not yet wholly attained unto the Science of being, wherein man is perfect even as the Father, his divine Principle, is perfect. [30]

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_How can I believe that there is no such thing as matter,_ [1]

_when I weigh over two hundred pounds and carry about_ _this weight daily?_

By learning that matter is but manifest mortal mind.