33 The Real Winner (1/2)

Lineir hung in the air, his toes desperately trying to touch the ground. It was an incredibly uncomfortable position to say the least.

”**** it's that dragon lady! She doesn't care about how I got into a different block, she thinks I told those sect assassins where to find her!” Lineir panicked.

Mei carefully instructed Lineir,

”Don't bother moving. I told you that girl is many times stronger than you. As a member of the dragon race she isn't someone you can handle head on! Find some way to convince her it wasn't your fault!” However, no matter how Lineir tried, he couldn't cough out a word, her grasp on his throat was simply too strong. His face purpled and the world began to spin.

”Kiddo, I'm going to slow down your heart rate. This undead heart of yours is under my control, and I can very convincingly bring you to the brink of death. Provided you stay absolutely still and learn some acting skills, even she should not be able to tell that you are faking!” Gradually, Lineir's struggles became less and less. He let his eyes stop glaring frantically and hung limply like a dead fish. The girl stared at him deeply for a few seconds, but she could feel that there was no pulse on his throat. With one last shake, she tossed him aside and proclaimed,

”I refuse to marry anyone, least of all the Nero Sect, their disciples are unworthy and I do not recognize them!” She pointed directly at the king as she spoke, and then leaped from the ground. From her back, scaly red wings unfolded and she soared away at frightening speed. Immediately, Nero Sect elders took off after her,

”That girl! Going so far as to hurt our disciples to avoid a legal agreement between her elders, she's really gone too far this time! She needs to be punished, all elders, bring her back!” A dozen black robed elders shot out after her, and the crowd cowered as the air whirled viciously from their passage. It was a few minutes before anyone dared speak. However, once the first whispers broke out, others followed.

”It's true, the daughter of the king of Dracherus is one of the imperial dragon line!”

”She denied the Nero Sect, no wonder, if they got close to her, they would have access to the dragon bloodline!”

”I wonder what the king is thinking, letting the Nero Sect close to such a precious heir.”

”I doubt he had much of a choice, they probably pressured him into it!”

”But wait... who wins the tournament now?”

Everyone was looking around, but the princess had clearly left the arena, and the Nero Sect disciples were both unable to free themselves from the wall.

”Wait... that man is still alive!” Gasps came out as Lineir got his hands under himself and stood. Brushing off the dust from himself, and adjusting his hood, he choked out as clearly and confidently as he could,

”I'm the last man standing, I demand my compensation now!” He looked directly at the commentator, and then they both looked towards the king who was standing, staring after the direction his daughter and the Nero Sect had flown off to, trembling. Looking down, in a distracted manner, he simply stated,