Part 11 (1/2)
[_Exit_ ASANDER.
_Lys._ I do not know What he will hear, but this at least I know: That woman loves him, and will lie to sow Dissension 'twixt these lovers--which accomplished, The rest is easy, and I hold this Cherson In the hollow of my hand. Ha! a good thought.
I will send a message to the Lady Gycia Which shall ensure't. If she mislikes her friend, It is odds of ten to one some jealous humour Has caused it, or may grow of it.
”Dear lady, Thou art wronged; the Prince Asander presently Is with Irene alone. Seek them, and wring Confession of their fault.”
[_Summons a_ Messenger.
Ho there! convey These to the Lady Gycia, but stay not To tell her whence they come.
_Mess._ I go, my lord.
SCENE IV.--IRENE'S _prison._
IRENE; _afterwards_ ASANDER _and_ GYCIA.
_Ire._ To think that once I loved that haughty woman!
Ah, that was long ago, before love came To tear our lives asunder. Though her power Can pen me here a prisoner, yet I know That I have pierced her heart. Oh, it is sweet To be revenged, and know that vengeance brings Victory in its train! If I had power To make Asander jealous of this wonder, Then all were easy. But I know no means Whereby from this strait prison I might sow Suspicion of her who has never given A shadow of cause.
_Attendant._ The Lord Asander comes.
_Enter_ ASANDER.
_Asan._ Lady, I grieve that thou art in this place, And fain would set thee free. Tell me what cause Has brought thee hither.
_Ire._ Ask me not, my lord; I cannot tell thee.
_Asan._ Nay, but know I must, To plead thy cause.
_Ire._ 'Twas too great love of thee, The love which thou didst spurn, that brought me here.
_Asan._ But how should that be so?
_Ire._ The Lady Gycia, Holding thee to thy promise that thou wouldst not Go hence--no, not to close thy father's eyes-- Took umbrage that I spoke with scant respect Of such unreasoning and unnatural bond As that which she approves.
_Asan._ Then am I grateful For thy good-will, and grieve that it should bring thee To pine a prisoner here, and will essay What reason can to free thee.
_Ire._ Thanks, my lord, I would that _thou_ wert free. I knew the King, And did receive much fatherly affection From that most reverend man. I grieve to hear That he lies sick, and would rejoice to tend him As if I were a daughter.
_Asan._ Gentle lady, No other voice of sympathy than thine Have I yet heard in Cherson, and I thank thee For thy good-will.
_Ire._ 'Tis always thine, my lord, And more, though I should end my wretched days In prison for thy sake.
_Asan._ I thank thee, lady, And fain would ask of thee a greater kindness: I would that thou wouldst tell me of thy brother.
_Ire._ My brother Theodorus? What of him?
_Asan._ This only. Did he, ere I knew my wife, Bear towards her a great though innocent love?