Part 7 (1/2)
LECONTE, JOSEPH N. The High Sierra of California--Alpina Americana.
Published by the American Alpine Club, Philadelphia, Pa. 1907.
MUIR, JOHN. Our National Parks. 1909. 382 pp. Ill.u.s.trated. Sequoia and General Grant National Parks on pp. 268-330.
MILLS, ENOS A. Your National Parks. 532 pp. Ill.u.s.trated. Houghton Mifflin Co., 1917. Sequoia and General Grant National Parks on pp.
99-115, 455-459.
ROLFE, MARY A. Our National Parks, Book Two. A supplementary reader on the national parks for fifth and sixth grade students. Benj. H.
Sanborn & Co., Chicago. 1928.
SIERRA CLUB BULLETIN. Published by the Sierra Club, San Francisco, Calif.
STEWART, GEORGE W. Big Trees of the Giant Forest. A book about the Big Trees of Giant Forest, Sequoia National Park. A. M. Robertson, San Francisco.
WHITE, STEWART EDWARD. The Pa.s.s. The Mountains.
WRIGHT, DIXON, and THOMPSON. Fauna of the National Parks. Government Printing Office, Was.h.i.+ngton, D. C. Price 20 cents.
WILSON, HERBERT EARL. The Lore and the Lure of Sequoia. Wolfer Printing Co., Los Angeles, Calif. 1928.
YARD, ROBERT STERLING. The Top of the Continent. 1917. 244 pp.
Scribners. Sequoia National Park on pp. 188-212.
---- The Book of the National Parks. 444 pp. Ill.u.s.trated. Scribners.
1926. Sequoia and General Grant National Parks on pp. 69-92.
ACADIA, MAINE.--Combination of mountain and seacoast scenery.
Established 1919; 24.08 square miles.
BRYCE CANYON, UTAH.--Canyons filled with exquisitely colored pinnacles. Established 1928; 55.06 square miles.
CARLSBAD CAVERNS, N. MEX.--Beautifully decorated limestone caverns believed largest in the world. Established 1930; 15.56 square miles.
CRATER LAKE, OREG.--Astonis.h.i.+ngly beautiful lake in crater of extinct volcano. Established 1902; 250.52 square miles.
GENERAL GRANT, CALIF.--Celebrated General Grant Tree and grove of Big Trees. Established 1890; 3.96 square miles.
GLACIER, MONT.--Unsurpa.s.sed alpine scenery; 200 lakes; 60 glaciers.
Established 1910; 1,533.88 square miles.
GRAND CANYON, ARIZ.--World's greatest example of erosion. Established 1919; 1,009.08 square miles.