Part 32 (1/2)

'It's strange,' said Thasha, 'but I feel you're part of my life, and always will be. I can't watch you fly and not feel, I don't know - joy, I suppose.'

'Twaddle,' said the falcon.

Neeps had had enough. 'What do you want, bird?' he demanded.

Thasha motioned desperately for silence. 'I'm not lying to you,' she told the falcon. 'But why have you come back to us, anyway?'

The bird paused. His head c.o.c.ked, dipped, darted. Then Thasha had a terrible thought. 'Oh, Niriviel. You didn't . . . lose him, did you? Sandor Ott, I mean?'

Niriviel peered at her with great intensity. Thasha arched her neck back.

'You can tell me,' she said. 'I know he was like your father. Is that why you're back? Because you have nowhere left to go?'

'What nonsense!' cried the falcon suddenly. 'And what a fool you take me for! It is not I I who has lost someone. Where is your own father, girl ?' who has lost someone. Where is your own father, girl ?'

'He stayed behind. In Simja.'

'And beyond that you cannot say. Beyond that you dare not imagine.'

'What do you mean?' cried Thasha. 'Do you know something about my father? Tell me!'

'Nothing for traitors.'

Pazel tried to take her arm, but Thasha shook him off. 'I'm no traitor, you stupid bigoted bird! I'm an Arquali, do you hear? What else could I be?'

'An orphan?' said Niriviel.

Thasha was almost sobbing. 'Tell me! Tell me what you know!'

But Niriviel only cried aloud - a mocking cry, perhaps - and leaped once more into flight. Seconds later he had vanished westwards, towards the black wall of Bramian.


A Sleepless Night

17 Freala 941

Mr Coote had guessed correctly: within the hour the Chathrand Chathrand was among the Black Shoulder Isles. They were dark and stone-sh.o.r.ed and choked with greenery, miniature copies of their great mother to the west. Plenty of sea-room, thought Mr Elkstem: two or three leagues between one Black Shoulder and the next, and Bramian itself no closer than five. Still he took no chances. was among the Black Shoulder Isles. They were dark and stone-sh.o.r.ed and choked with greenery, miniature copies of their great mother to the west. Plenty of sea-room, thought Mr Elkstem: two or three leagues between one Black Shoulder and the next, and Bramian itself no closer than five. Still he took no chances.

'Topgallants and courses down, Mr Frix, if you please. We'll stand in on fore and spanker topsails, double-reefed.'

In the moonlight the watch furled sail after sail, and the bow wave sank to nothing. When the log was cast they were all but stationary, rocking forwards at a quarter knot. Sh.o.r.e birds, night jars and kestrels, spun hopefully above the deck, their shrill cries blending with the distant, mortal booming of the Bramian surf.

The three youths were still on the topdeck. Thasha had led the boys on a meandering march, port to starboard, bow to quarterdeck and back. She had barely spoken since Niriviel's departure, but she was glad of their company, and they seemed to understand her silence. The falcon's insinuations about Eberzam Isiq might have been pure spite, but Thasha could scarcely breathe for fear that something real lay behind them.

Eventually their random tour of the topdeck ceased to distract her, and began to make her think of animals in cages. She chose a quiet spot near the No. 3 hatch, folded her legs and sat.

'I don't want dinner tonight,' she said. 'You two had better go ahead.'

She leaned back against a coiled hawser. The boys looked at each other, and she imagined stomachs and solidarity at war. Then Neeps sat down on her left and Pazel, after a bit of awkward foot-shuffling, did the same on her right. She tried to catch his eye, but he avoided it, staring up at the gently billowing mainsail. Sailors of the third watch moved around them, chattering, while off to portside someone attempted (perhaps for the first time in his life, for the sound was painful) to tune a fiddle.

She sat between them, watching them fidget, wondering which of them would break the silence first, and with what kind, doltish attempt to ease her fears. Just when she had decided it could only be Pazel, Neeps began to talk.

'They ought to send us ash.o.r.e to gather eggs,' he said. 'On the Black Shoulders, I mean. There was a Sollochi fisherman wrecked on one of 'em fifty years ago. He lived for three whole years on seabird eggs. For nine months he ate 'em raw; then he found a big clamsh.e.l.l and boiled his eggs inside it, but after three more months it cracked on the fire. Then the volcano came to life and there were steam vents everywhere, and he found he could cook his eggs by putting 'em in an old piece of fish-net, tying the net to a pole, and dangling it over one of the vents. And when the steam stopped coming he climbed to the lip of the volcano and fried the eggs on hot rocks, but he ended up burning his tongue so badly he couldn't taste 'em any more. But they rescued him soon after, and he lived a good long life back on Sollochstol. I guess there's a lesson in that, isn't there?'

'Sure,' said Pazel. 'Don't be a blary a.s.s and lick hot rocks.'

Neeps leaned over and gave him a good-natured whack on the head. 'You're the a.s.s, remember? I hate to think what you'd have done on that island. Turned your back on the volcano, for starters.'

Thasha smiled despite herself. Neeps had knocked her against Pazel's side, and she had not quite straightened up again. She did want some kind of comfort. Not an arm around her, not a voice telling her that all would be well. She'd been given those sorts of comforts her whole life, and they had usually failed. What she wanted was Pazel's hand locked in her own, fingers laced tight: a promise that he he at least would not disappear. She wanted his touch, his attention, his eyes, the startled brightness of them before they'd kissed in the washroom. This is first love, she thought, slightly revolted by the ba.n.a.lity. I love him. How absurd. at least would not disappear. She wanted his touch, his attention, his eyes, the startled brightness of them before they'd kissed in the washroom. This is first love, she thought, slightly revolted by the ba.n.a.lity. I love him. How absurd.

All the same she was glad of the dark. Neeps was saying something about Bramian, about Leopard People and s.h.a.ggy rhinoceroses and other, stranger things said to dwell in its forests. The fiddle player attempted a song, gave up, tried again in a higher key. Thasha moved her shoulder against Pazel's arm and felt him draw a startled breath. He was s.h.i.+vering a little, although the night was warm. Thasha felt her own breath quicken. And then he hugged his knees to his chest and edged away.

She was angry, aroused, confused. Yes Yes, she thought, looking at the side of his face, you would turn your back on a volcano. you would turn your back on a volcano.

For a few minutes no one spoke. Mr Thyne and Latzlo the animal-seller sauntered by, debating the long-term value of crocodile skins. Latzlo at first appeared to have an enormous growth on one shoulder, but as they drew nearer she saw that it was only his pet sloth, the one beast in his collection that the merchant treated with warmth. Thyne nodded to them uneasily, but the animal dealer frowned, and cleared his throat as if preparing to spit.

'Same to you, dung beetle,' muttered Neeps.

Thasha gave the others an awkward look. 'So,' she said, 'I guess it's time we went over that list.'

'Right,' said Pazel glumly.

Neeps glanced inquiringly at Pazel, as though to ask why his his mood was so black. The fiddle fell silent once more. Then suddenly it burst into song: a wild, bereft, racing melody, a song of flight or exile, and longing for someone or something lost beyond all hope of recovery. The three youths got to their feet to see what was happening. mood was so black. The fiddle fell silent once more. Then suddenly it burst into song: a wild, bereft, racing melody, a song of flight or exile, and longing for someone or something lost beyond all hope of recovery. The three youths got to their feet to see what was happening.

The musician was none other than Dollywilliams Druffle. The wiry smuggler had taken the fiddle away from its hapless owner, a wan-faced young man who stood gaping at him, holding the empty fiddle-case. Druffle sawed like a man on fire, his spine twisted and his head sharply c.o.c.ked, as if he were not playing the fiddle but impaled on it - an impression magnified by his grimace of concentration. Every sailor who could legitimately leave his station (and some who could not) pressed towards him, and a rhythmic clapping began. When fifty men or more had gathered Druffle suddenly broke off playing and sang: Hey! Out upon the Nelluroq they took my Nell To the tower-tall waves and the typhoons fell Oh get along ye dark mare and bear me straight To the bottom of the Pits or to the ivory gate To the shades that gibber by the ghostly wall To the river-maids that whisper from the waterfall Oh get along ye dark mare and don't ye rest 'Till I'm once-a-more asleep upon my lady's breast!


With the final 'Hey! ' Druffle applied himself to the fiddle anew, and the song became even faster and madder. The tune was infectious; men who had laboured at the ropes for hours were capering like children, dancing and whirling, arm in arm. Mr Frix appeared from nowhere, and added to the bedlam with a goatskin drum. The deck reverberated with the sound of stomping feet. ' Druffle applied himself to the fiddle anew, and the song became even faster and madder. The tune was infectious; men who had laboured at the ropes for hours were capering like children, dancing and whirling, arm in arm. Mr Frix appeared from nowhere, and added to the bedlam with a goatskin drum. The deck reverberated with the sound of stomping feet.

'I like Druffle a lot more with a fiddle in his hand than a cutla.s.s,' said Neeps.

Thasha laughed aloud. 'He's brilliant!' brilliant!'

Pazel looked up at the quarterdeck. 'Uskins will put a stop to this any minute.'

Thasha turned him a look almost of loathing. But before she could find words to flay him for his dullness a voice called her name.

Dastu was on the edge of the crowd, beckoning to her. Thasha hesitated for only an instant. Then she tied back her hair and ran to him, without another glance at her friends.

The two boys watched her impressive leaps and whirls, hand in hand with a delighted Dastu. 'Hercol really did teach her more than fighting, didn't he?'

'I don't think he's that that sort of dance instructor,' said Pazel. 'Dastu's trying to dance a Gold Hills ramble, but she keeps messing him up.' sort of dance instructor,' said Pazel. 'Dastu's trying to dance a Gold Hills ramble, but she keeps messing him up.'