Chapter 24 (1/2)

“Where is this place…!? Who are you all!”

A scrawny child was struggling inside a hidden chamber, his face that had been washed countless times with his own tears, had despair written all over it.

Since the moment he woke up, he was held imprisoned in a small cage by two sinister-looking men. Inside the narrow s.p.a.ce, he was not even given the s.p.a.ce to turn back his head and look at the shackles that chained him.

Inside the black cage, and attached to the ends of the black shackles, a pure white child was chained.

“Let me out now!!” The child still had some energy left to make a din as it hasn't been that long ago since he got captured.

However, all his efforts were in vain.

“Big bro… that s.h.i.+tty brat is so annoying, can I beat him?” The underling glared at the boy with a face of disdain, and took out a metal rod from underneath the table.

Startled by the cold glimmering appearance of the metal rod, the boy felt terror from within him, and his voice that was supposed to be voiced out got stuck in his throat. However, not before long, he started to cry out uncontrollably as he was unable to restrain himself any longer.

Hidden within the deepest part of his memory, was the scene of his parents getting murdered.

Everything was burning, and everything was dark red in color.

Be it the flames burning on the outer wall of the wooden house, or the blood spurt on the inner wall of the house; be it the fleeting sparks springing out from the pale white hair of Mother, or the blood pool forming beside Father's chopped off body; be it the torch that the underling was holding in his hand, or the blood that was dripping down from the leader's machete.

Everything was red in color.

A very pretty vermilion color.

A completely pure scarlet color.

An utterly terrifying fiery red color.

The memories of his distant past had been turned into ashes in the sea of blood red.

It turned black in color, a black that signified despair and hopelessness.

A black that was incompatible with him.

This is my fault… if I did not exist… this kind of thing would not happen.

At this point in time, the boy was thinking that everything was the fault of his, but in actual fact, he was just afraid of facing the two men that were in front of him.

“Indeed, it is a bit annoying.” The leader of the two laughed as he stopped the track of his agitated underling. “However, I have a remedy to deal with this kind of situation~”

Just as he had finished his sentence, he took out a vial containing a red concoction from his bag.

It was a red that people loathe.

It was a red that made people hopeless.

Without saying a word, the man smashed the vial of concoction on the floor. Inside the broken gla.s.s vial, a chemical reaction seemed to have occurred to the scarlet red liquid. It instantly changed into the form of a black smog, and drew closer to the direction of the boy a little at a time.

“This is…” The underling asked as he put down the metal rod that was in his hand.

“A fast remedy to deal with the [White Magic Clan]~ Just watch.”

“Let me go… Let me… OWAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” In an instant, the boy covered his throat as a force of acute pain similar to that of having one's five viscera and six bowels tearing, raided across every inches of nerves in his body.

Furthermore, the more the boy screamed, the more the pain was etched into his memory; the more unforgettable the pain was, the more he would continue to wail.

It was only until he vomited white foam mixed with blood, and completely lost the ability to make a sound with his throat, did the boy finally escaped the control that the pain inflicted on him.

As a price of that, he lost his consciousness.

“This… what's happened?” The underling stared blankly at the boy's lifeless body, unable to comprehend what had happened.