Part 80 (1/2)
”No, come bring officer, Bri'sh sailor. Come and see.
Caesar not 'fraid now. come to-night.”
”Come where?” cried Mr Anderson.
”Caesar show.”
”You will show me a good reason why I should wait?”
”Yes, Come 'long now.”
”Come now? Where to?”
” Allen sleep house. Come 'long. Caesar show.”
And without waiting for further question or order, the black thrust the tokens he had found into his breast as he made his way back into the tunnelled pa.s.sage, where he drew out the phosphorus bottle and taper, lit the latter and then led the way as swiftly as his companions could follow, the taper just lasting long enough to light the party back to within hearing of a call from the guards awaiting them anxiously at the entrance.
”Now for our rations, my lad, and a rest,” said the lieutenant, as all stood once more in the cottage room and watched the black deftly replace the trap, drawing over it the rug and making all that had pa.s.sed seem to the two mids.h.i.+pmen and the chief officer as if they had been taking part in a dream.
”This man is a puzzle,” said the lieutenant. ”One hour he is a s.h.i.+vering cowardly slave, the next he plays the part of a hero; and now he is like a clever household servant who does the best he can for visitors in his master's absence. Why, Murray--Roberts--we never expected such treatment as this.”
”No, sir,” said the two mids.h.i.+pmen together.
For Caesar had been bustling about, and one way and another had spread quite a supper in the planter's little dining-room for the officers, and afterwards supplied the men in one of the back rooms with delicious coffee and bread, to the great refreshment of the tired adventurers.
”What are you thinking about, Mr Murray?” said the lieutenant. ”Come, out with it, my lad;” for the middy had hesitated and turned red.
”I was only thinking, sir, that we ought to send a messenger to the _Seafowl_.”
”Humph! Strange, my lad. I have been thinking just the same, but I can spare neither man nor boat, and I have come to the conclusion that if Captain Kingsberry wants news he must send to us for it. What's that you are muttering, Mr Roberts?--He will be angry?”
”I didn't say so aloud, sir,” replied the lad.
”No, but you thought it, sir. Well, if he is he will soon be in a good humour again when he finds how busy we have been and what we have made out. Ah, here is our guide. Well, Caesar, what now?”
”Berry dark now, Come see.”
”Come and see in the dark?” said the lieutenant, who appeared to be in the best of humours. ”Well, what have you to show us?”
The three officers rose from the table and followed their guide out on the platform, where he pointed to a ruddy glow which rose from beyond the trees.
”Fire!” said Murray excitedly. ”Can that be where the plantation house lies, sir?”
”No, Mr Murray, I think not. But if it is I should not be surprised if, taking advantage of their master's absence, the blacks have fired his house to burn it down. Here, Caesar, are they burning the place?”
”No,,” replied the black. ” bring all sailor. Come see.”