Part 24 (1/2)
”It is ignorance,” Howat stated.
”I thought so, for a minute; you are wrong. She's had more experience than we'd get in a thousand years. The life she knows would fix that.
She talked me into a tangled foolishness in five minutes; made me look like a whiskered hypocrite. Nothing I said sounded real, and yet I must be right. Suppose Harriet should turn nasty, suppose--oh, a thousand things.”
”It isn't arguable,” Howat Penny agreed.
This afforded the other no consolation. ”What is she to do?” he demanded. ”Mariana won't settle quietly against a wall. She told you that. She's full of--of a sort of energy that must be at something.
Mariana hasn't the anchor of most women--respectability.”
”Am I to gather that that is no longer considered admirable?” the elder inquired. ”If you gather anything you are lucky,” Polder replied gloomily. ”I'm not sure about my own name. Good-night,” he disappeared abruptly.
Above, Howat slowly made his preparations for retiring, infinitely weary. Waking problems fell from him like a leaden weight into the sea of unconsciousness. He was relieved, at breakfast, to see Mariana come down in a hat, with the jacket of her suit on an arm. He waited for her to indicate the train by which she was leaving, so that he could tell Honduras to have the motor ready; but she sat around in a dragging silence. Polder walked up and down the room in which they were gathered.
Howat wished he would stop his clattering movement. An expression of ill-nature deepened in Mariana; she looked her ugliest; and James Polder was perceptibly fogged from a lack of sleep. Finally he said:
”Look here, we can't go on like this.” He stopped in front of Mariana, with a quivering face. She raised her eyebrows. ”Come outside,” he begged. ”What's the use?” she replied; but, at the same time, she rose.
”Don't get desperate, Howat,” she said over her shoulder. ”Even I can't do any more; I can only take my shamelessness back to Andalusia.” Polder held open the screen door; and as, without her jacket, she went out, Howat Penny had a final glimpse of the man bending at her side. Like two fish in a net, he thought ungraciously. He was worn out by their infernal flopping. With a determined movement of his shoulders, a fixing of his gla.s.s, he turned to the acc.u.mulation of his papers.
Later he heard the changing gears of a motor. He thought for a moment that it was Honduras at his own car; then he recognized the stroke of a far heavier engine. The powerful, ungraceful bulk of an English machine was stopping at his door. Immediately after he distinguished the slightly harsh, dominating voice of Peter Provost. The latter entered, followed by Kingsfrere Jannan. Peter Provost, a member of the New York family and connection of the Jannans, had, since the elder Jannan's death, charge of the family's interest in the banking firm of Provost, Jannan and Provost. He occupied, Howat knew, a position of general advisor to Charlotte and her children. He was a large man who had never lost the hardness of a famous university career in the football field, with a handsome, cold countenance and spiked, grey moustache. He shook hands with Howat Penny, and plunged directly into his present purpose.
”Kingsfrere,” he said, ”has heard some cheap stuff in the city, about that young Polder married last fall. Personally, I laughed at it, but Charlotte seemed upset. This Polder's wife, an actress, has left her husband, and gone back to the stage because--so Byron a.s.serted; you know Byron--Mariana had broken up their home.”
”Old Polder said just that,” Kingsfrere affirmed. ”And that wasn't all--he added that Mariana was out here with the fellow.”
Provost laughed.
”Well,” Howat Penny replied, ”James Polder is staying at Shadrach. He was asked here because his health was threatening. He had two weeks leave; and, although I wasn't really anxious, I said he might recuperate with me.”
”And Mariana?” Provost inquired.
”Came out day before yesterday, late; leaving this morning.”
Howat Penny was conscious of a growing anger. There was no reason for his submitting to an interrogation by Peter Provost; he didn't have to justify his actions, the selection of his guests; and he had no intention of explaining his att.i.tude toward Mariana. But Provost, it became evident, had no inclination to be intrusive. It was, he made that clear, wholly Charlotte. But Kingsfrere Jannan was increasingly impatient. ”Where is Polder?” he demanded. Howat surveyed him with neither favour nor reply. Suddenly he understood the feeling of both men--they considered that he was too old to have any grip or comprehension of life. They were quietly but obviously relegating him to the back of the scene. His anger mounted; he was about to make a sharp reply, when he paused. There was a possibility that they were right; he was, undoubtedly, old; and he had been unable to influence, turn, Mariana, in the slightest degree. He didn't approve of her present, head-strong course ... only a few hours ago he had voluntarily, gladly, relinquished all effort to comprehend it.
”Perhaps,” Provost suggested, ”since we are here we'd better talk to him. I suppose they're out about the place. You could send Rudolph.”
Howat replied that he would find them himself. He wanted, now, to prepare James Polder for any incidental unpleasantness. The latter, he knew, had a hasty temper, a short store of patience. After all, he had acted very well in a difficult situation. It had been Mariana. Howat Penny was aware of a growing sympathy for young Polder. His was a more engaging person than Kingsfrere's pasty presence and sharp reputation at cards. He got his hat, and went out over the thick, smooth sod, into the slumberous, blue radiance of the early summer noon.
He found Mariana and James Polder sitting on a bank by the Furnace.
”Peter Provost's here with Kingsfrere,” he told them quietly. ”They want to see.... James, about some nonsense bantered around town.” Polder rose quickly, instantly antagonistic. ”At the house?” he demanded, already moving away. Mariana stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.
”Don't pay any attention to what they may say, Jimmy,” she commanded.
”It isn't Peter Provost's affair, and Kingsfrere in a fatherly pose is a scream.” They moved forward together. ”I'll see them,” she added cuttingly.
”I will attend to this,” James Polder told her. ”I don't want any woman explaining my actions. They haven't a whisper on me. I'm glad enough of an opportunity to talk to a man.”
”If you lose your temper--” Howat commenced, but Mariana impatiently interrupted him. ”Why shouldn't Jim lose his temper?” she demanded. ”I would. Personally, I'd be glad if he did, although it mightn't be fortunate for Kingsfrere. He's a good deal of a dumpling. But I will be furious if you look guilty. Tell them we're mad about each other and that I am waiting for the smallest encouragement to go with you.”
Howat Penny left Mariana at the door, and went in with Polder. Provost was seated, with an open paper; Kingsfrere studying the photograph of Scalchi. ”This,” said Howat generally, ”is my guest, James Polder.”
Peter Provost extended his square, powerful hand; but the other, Jannan, made no movement. ”Well?” Polder demanded aggressively. Howat Penny proceeded through the room to the porch, where he met Mariana. They walked to the further end and found chairs. ”What makes me sick,”
Mariana proceeded, ”is the way men calmly take everything into their own hands; as if women were still tied up, naughty bundles. Jim will have all the fun, and he has only said 'no' in horrified tones.”
Again he could think of no adequate reply. He listened in vain for the sound of raised voices within. ”What, in heaven's name, brought them?”