Part 20 (1/2)
That was the bitterness in Tom's cup of joy. He was proud of what he had done--what fellow situated as he was would not be? His heart thrilled with exultation as he remembered what the Colonel had said and written about him. He remembered with joy, too, what his comrades had said when he left for home, and the cheers they gave him.
Oh, if he hadn't been such a fool!
He thought of what his home-coming might have been if he had remained true to Alice; he fancied the look in her eyes as she greeted him; of the feelings which would fill his heart as he sat by her side in the church which she attended. But that was impossible now; he had made his choice, and she had made hers. Thus his home-coming would be robbed of half its joy. If he saw Alice at all she would be in the company of Harry Briarfield, and Briarfield, he knew, had always looked down upon him. ”But there,” he said to himself, ”I'll bear it like a man. I have done my bit, and that's something, anyhow.”
He had sent a telegram to his mother the day before, telling her of the time he expected to arrive in Brunford, and presently when the train drew into the station he looked out of the window eagerly expectant, and with fast-beating heart.
Yes, there his father and mother were, waiting for him. But what was the meaning of the crowd?
No sooner did he set foot on the platform than a great cheer arose.
”There he is! There's Tom Pollard!”
”Gi't tongue, lads! Gi't tongue! Hip! hip! hip! hoorah!”
Tom, heedless of the cheering and shouting, went straight to his mother. For a second this lady looked at him, and seemed to be on the point of greeting him with a caustic remark; then her mother's heart melted.
”Ay, Tom, I'm fair glad to see thee,” she sobbed.
”And I am glad to see you, mother. Ay, father, it is good to see you, it is.”
”And I am fair proud on you, Tom,” and Ezekiel Pollard's voice was hoa.r.s.e as he shook his son's hand.
”But, Tom,” cried Mrs. Pollard, wiping her eyes, ”thy clothes be dirty; I shall have a rare job to get th' muck out of 'em.”
This was followed by a general laugh by those who had come to greet Tom and bid him welcome.
”Ay, and thou look'st as though thou hasn't weshed for a week. I thought as aa' sodjers kept theirsens clean.”
”I'll wash right enough when I get home, mother,” laughed Tom.
”Holloa, Tom. I am glad to see you,” and Polly Powell made her way through the crowd.
”Thank you,” replied Tom quietly; ”have you brought one of your young men with you, Polly?”
”I have not got any young men,” was Polly's reply. Whereupon there was a general laugh of incredulity.
Polly, heedless of the crowd, and although angered at the remarks that were made, still held her ground.
”You are coming down to the Thorn and Thistle, aren't you, Tom?” she said; ”mother and father are expecting you.”
”No, thank you, Polly,” said Tom. ”I am going home with my mother and father. Besides, I don't want to play gooseberry.”
At this there was general cheering. It was evident that Polly Powell was ready to give up her latest lover in order that the glory of Tom's l.u.s.tre might s.h.i.+ne upon her; but her power over him had gone.
”Nay, thou'lt come down to the Rose and Crown wi' us, won't 'a'?” cried another.
”No, I am not going to the Rose and Crown,” replied Tom.