Part 9 (1/2)

Tommy Joseph Hocking 56830K 2022-07-22

Tom blushed as he replied, ”Would you like to see my report, sir?” and he took it from his tunic proudly.

”Why, Tom, this is splendid!” I said, after reading it.

”Ay, I have worked fair hard at it,” said Tom; ”but my difficulty is getting my tongue round the words. You see, they don't know how to p.r.o.nounce, these French people, and you have to p.r.o.nounce their way else they wouldn't understand what you wur saying, and you have to get a grip on it or you can't understand what they are saying. I can conjugate the verbs,” added Tom proudly, ”but when they speak to me in French, that's anything like a long sentence, I get mixed up. While I'm getting hold of the first part of what they're saying, I forget the rest; but I will master it. What a French chap can learn a Lancas.h.i.+re chap can.

”Do you know, sir,” went on Tom, ”that the Y.M.C.A. has got no less than six huts here; each of them will hold a thousand men, and they are jam-full every night. And all the workers are so friendly too.”

”And do you go to any religious services, Tom?” I asked.

”I been to two or three,” replied Tom, ”but I don't hold much wi'

religion. Still they're grand people, and you may ask any man in the camp, from the sergeant-major down to the newest recruit, and they will all tell you the same thing, The Y.M.C.A. is a fair G.o.d-send to us.”

I found out afterwards that Alec McPhail had not followed Tom's example. Alec had discovered a wayside public-house about a mile from the camp, where he and several others of his companions spent most of their spare time.

”I'm noan religious,” said Tom rather boastfully; ”but the Y.M.C.A.

showed me that I was making a fool of myself, and they have made me see that a soldier ought to be a gentleman. We're not a lot of riff-raff in the Army; we have come at the call of our King and Country to do our bit. And what I say is that a chap ought to live up to his job; we have got a big, grand job, and we chaps as is to do it ought to be worthy of our job.”

Tom wrote regularly to Polly Powell during the time he was in the Surrey camp, although he could not help noticing that Polly's replies grew less and less frequent and less and less affectionate. When he had been there a little more than two months he received a letter from his mother telling him that Polly was walking out regularly with Jim Dixon. The letter from Tom's mother was characteristic.

”Dear Tom,” she wrote, ”thou'st been fooled by Polly Powell. I always said that Alice Lister was too good for thee, and thou used to get vexed about it. A man is not to blame for his mother, he can't choose her, so I can't blame thee for thy mother, but he is to be blamed for his wife; he makes his own choice there, and the man as chooses Polly Powell is a fool. When I wur a la.s.s I lived on a farm, I wur only sixteen when I came to Brunford, and the farmer I lived wi' always said when he was buying a cow, 'be sure to look at the stock before you close the bargin.' Look at the stock Polly Powell has come from. I say nowt about her feyther because I don't know him, but I have seen her mother, and that's enough for me. Polly is just the image of what her mother was when she was her age. She's only twenty-four years older than Polly, but she's like Bethesda Chapel, she's broader nor she's long. That's what Polly will be in twenty years' time. Her mother's got a mustash too, and Polly gives every sign of having one by the time she's her mother's age. Besides, she's a flighty thing is Polly, and has no stayin' power; she goes wi' one chap one week and another the next. She's walked out wi' seven chaps since you left Brunford, and she only took up wi' Jim Dixon again because he's making a bit of bra.s.s. I daresay she'll tell you that she's only larking wi'

Jim, and is true to you all the time; but if I were thee I'd sack her.

There are plenty of everywhere, and thou can do better nor her.

”I expect you will be going to France soon, and will be fighting them Germans. If they find thee as hard to deal wi' as I have, they'll have a tough job. But they are a bad lot, and I don't ask you to show 'em any mercy.

”Your affectionate mother, ”MRS. MARTHA POLLARD.

”P.S.--Be sure to write and give Polly Powell the sack right away, she's noan thy sort. If you come across that German Emperor, don't be soft-hearted wi' 'im.”

After Tom had read his mother's letter twice, he sat silent for some time. ”So she's going out with Jim Dixon,” he reflected; ”well, I'm glad. After all, my liking for her was only top-water stuff, and she was doing me no good.” The next minute Tom was whistling his way through the camp. ”Yes,” he continued, ”mother's got what the writing chaps call 'a good literary style,' and she hits the bull's-eye every time. Gosh, what a fool I've been! Fancy giving up Alice Lister for a la.s.s like that. I wonder if it's true that Alice has took up wi' that parson chap. I'd like to wring his neck, I would for sure.”

At the end of nearly three months Tom was moved to another camp still nearer the south coast. He had a presentiment that the time was not far distant when he would have to cross the sea, and know in real earnest what soldiering was like. In a way he was glad of this; like all youths he longed for excitement, and wanted to come to close grips with the thing he had set out to do. On the other hand however, he could not help looking forward with dread. When on reading the newspapers he saw long lists of casualties, and heard stories of the men he had known, who went out healthy and strong and never came back again, and others who were brought home maimed for life, he had a strange feeling at his heart, and a sinking at the pit of his stomach.

It was not that he felt afraid, but there was a kind of dread of the unknown. What would it be like to die?

”I hear we're off soon,” said Alec McPhail to him one day.

”There's no telling,” said Tom laconically.

”Ay, but we shall,” replied Alec, ”and I shall be glad, I'm getting sick of this life in the camps.”

”I doan't wonder at it,” said Tom.

”What micht ye mean by that?” asked the Scotchman.

”I am fair stalled wi' thee,” said Tom. ”I thought that you, being a thinking sort o' chap, would know better. You saw what a fool I was making of myself, and yet you kept on drinking and carousing, and making a ninny of yourself, as though you had no more brains nor a waterhen. Why, lad, with your education and cleverness, you might have been sergeant-major by now. Nay, nay, keep thee temper; I mean nowt wrong.”

The Scotchman looked at Tom angrily for some seconds. He seemed on the point of striking him, then mastering himself he said, ”Ay, Tom, you're richt, and yet I'm no' sure.”