Part 3 (1/2)

Noel began to pull his jacket over a sleeveless T-s.h.i.+rt, his face crimsoning. ”No, it's a ... beeper.”

This gave Norval pause. ”And that?” He pointed towards a tattoo on his friend's upper arm. ”Very nineties. Let's have a look.”

Reluctantly, Noel pulled his arm out of the sleeve, revealing a black bull's head with silver horns between two red flags with black staves. The words HOLD FAST, in vermilion, arched over top. ”McCleod crest.”

”Your mother's clan?” said Norval.

Noel hesitated. Out of a fear of being called a mommy's boy? He was used to that by now; it didn't bother him a bit. He'd never thought about cutting the ap.r.o.n strings; they were never too tight. But some things are private. And he was tired of hearing that b.l.o.o.d.y Scottish twaddle every time his mother's name came up. But maybe he'll resist the urge just this once, to amaze me ... ”Yes.”

”Ay, yer daft aboot her, yer right radge. Och weel ...”

Nimbus clouds had gathered outside-noctilucent plumbago and Mars-violet nimbostrati, Noel remarked-as Norval was about to hail a cab. But at the last second, as one came sharking to a halt, he changed his mind, waving it on its way. From the pocket of his greatcoat he extracted a fresh pack of Mohawk Arrows. Plain, heavies.

”How is it,” he said, piercing the cellophane with his thumbnail, ”that I have not received a single invitation to your Outremont manor? We've known each other, what, six months?”

”We met at the theatre on the sixth of March, 2001. So that would make it ten months, one week, one day. Do you remember, it was just before rain, an ice-storm as it turned out ...”

”I have no recollection of the weather.”

”... and we saw Zabriskie Point Zabriskie Point-”

”Or the film. The question is, why have I never been allowed into your house? I have waited at your door like a dunce, I have rung your ding-dong bell, but not once have I been admitted. What are you hiding? A crystal meth lab in the cellar? A lunatic mother, chained in the attic?”

Noel winced. ”Not exactly, no.”

Norval paused to light his cigarette. ”Is it true what they say?” His words sent a vapour trail into Noel's nostrils.

”What do they say?” said Noel, sputtering, flapping his hand.

”That your mother's beautiful, extraordinarily well preserved for a woman of ...”


”Fifty-six. And that she has a pa.s.sing resemblance-nay, a striking resemblance-to Catherine Deneuve. Or is it Charlotte Rampling?”

”Maybe a bit of both.”

”What's her name again?”

”Mrs. Burun.”

”Her first name.”


Norval nodded, ruminating. ”I've also heard that the reason you've never had a girlfriend is that you're blindly, unnaturally in love with the woman.”

Noel smiled bleakly. ”Who's been telling you all this?” Surely not Dr. Vorta ...

”In the last week, how often have you seen her with her clothes off?”

Noel sighed. ”Often enough.”

”Brilliant. I knew it. I knew knew there was some dark ...” there was some dark ...”

Here Noel tuned out. Samira had crept back into his brain. There was something irresistible about her. Her voice, for example. A good sign! Low and rich, a trifle husky, it caused indigo diamonds with blue-tinged halos, like the rings of Saturn, to revolve inside his head ... And her incredible eyes, twinkling with irony, the colour of ... what would you call it? The human eye, he knew better than most, can distinguish some ten million colours, so there obviously aren't names for all of them. Nor in his own lexicon of two thousand colours was there a name for that shade. It was a complex hybrid: Roman umber certainly, but with lurking black opal and smoky topaz and a tinge of ...

”Noel, I seem to be talking to myself here.”


”Yes, but we've moved on from that subject.”

”Sorry, what's the new subject?”

Norval sighed. He had a theory, which he now repeated, that the only woman Noel would ever be able to make love to would be someone very close, someone he had known for a very very long time, someone he trusted with his life, someone whose voice didn't vandalize his thoughts. long time, someone he trusted with his life, someone whose voice didn't vandalize his thoughts.

” ... to conclude,” said Norval, ”in this house from which I am barred, are you acting upon Oedipal impulses? Are you sharing an incestuous bed? Are you in diabolical love with your mother?”

Amor matris, subjective and objective genitive: mother's love for her child, and child's love for mother. ”Well, on some nights we do end up sharing a bed ... And I do love her, more than anyone else in the world. Don't you yours?”

”Leave my mother out of it. She's a sack of excrement. Answer the question.”

”I'm suspicious about why you're asking it. Are you yourself, by any chance, hiding some dark secret? A h.o.m.oerotic adventure? s.e.x with a minor? s.e.x with a student? An incestuous relations.h.i.+p of your own?”

”h.o.m.oerotic adventure? At boarding school every form of transgressive s.e.x was openly indulged, from mutual masturbation and circle jerks to sadomasochism and gang sodomy. s.e.x with a minor? Every boy of good looks, myself included, had a female name and was recognised as a public prost.i.tute. s.e.x with a student? In the last five years, I've not got through a single semester without bedding fewer than three students. Incest? My father remarried, had two girls. Before either had reached their teens, I'd slept with them both. For Claire, the eldest, it was the first-and last-o.r.g.a.s.m of her life. She married a book critic.”

Noel laughed. ”You're making all this up, it sounds too ... too Byronic to be true.”

A new cigarette appeared magically between Norval's fingers, which he lit with its predecessor. ”I s.h.i.+t you not. The point is that you you, not I, are hiding something.”

Noel sighed, bit his lip. ”I'm not really hiding ... I mean, the thing is ... I suppose I should have ... well, explained things a long time ago. I'll tell you what. Why don't you come back to the house and see for yourself?”

”A Highland welcome at last. Grr-and. I'm dying to see the ... the sink of iniquity and mere fatale mere fatale. Not to mention the alchemist's den. In which I suspect you've been doing a bit of designing, synthesising-”

”I have, actually. But as for the house, I should warn you that-”

”Put that thing in the trunk of a cab.” He nodded towards Noel's mother's bike, which had collapsed against its pole, front wheel upturned and handlebars askew. ”En route, I'll tell you more about the latest member of The Alpha Bet The Alpha Bet.”

Noel's expression darkened. ”Did you take advantage of her?”

”What was that expression? Something from your mother's era, I believe?”

”Did you have s.e.x with Samira?”

Norval inhaled nearly a third of his Arrow and sent a volcanic cloud of smoke and vapour up towards a crippled maple, its limbs scarred or shorn by ice-storms. ”Hardly. When we arrived at the loft she was practically sleepwalking. In fact, we should probably stop there on our way, see if she's sentient. Do you mind if she tags along?”