Part 75 (2/2)

”That we're always in control of our lives. Even when it seems like we're not. We have power over every decision and choice, if we just accept the responsibility that goes along with them.”

Annja nodded. ”Wisdom is a treasure hard earned.”

Jenny clutched her hand. ”I'm sorry.”

”Me, too.” More tears flowed from Annja's eyes. Why did it have to end like this? Why this way?

Jenny's eyes rolled over white and a final breath escaped her chest. Annja closed her eyelids and then let her body down gently. She sat there, crying softly for another minute, looking at the peaceful expression on Jenny's face.

Annja used her sleeve to wipe the b.l.o.o.d.y trail from Jenny's mouth. There, she thought, at least she doesn't look so gruesome now.

She glanced at Tom's body and then back. So much death, she thought. And for what purpose?

Those d.a.m.n drugs.

Annja hauled herself up and squatted next to Tom's body, pulling a sheaf of papers from his s.h.i.+rt pocket. Then she walked over to the back of the Tahoe. She fished out one of the sacks she'd carried, opened it. The plastic bags of white powder stared up at her.

No more, Annja thought.

She turned back to the trail and headed toward the cave. She pa.s.sed Sheila's body on the way inside and found the woman's head bent at an odd angle. Jenny had done a d.a.m.n good job of dispatching her.

Another life lost to the pull of greed and drugs.

Annja heaved two of the bags on her shoulders and carted them down to the Tahoe. She dumped them inside and then repeated the process ten more times. Each time the bags got too heavy, Annja simply remembered how Jenny's face had looked as she died and her anger gave her strength.

Annja finished packing up the truck. The rain had started again, clouds blew in quickly and she could hear thunder in the distance.

A storm's brewing, she thought. And it's not just out here in the wild forests of the Pacific Northwest.

Annja looked at Jenny's body. She had to see someone about this. But who? Who would believe her? And what would they say when they saw all the corpses?

Her options weren't good.

What do I do now? she wondered.


She turned. Joey walked out of the darkness.

Annja ran to him and hugged him close. He wore a bandage on his head. She felt the lump underneath it. ”I thought you were dead!”

Joey grinned. ”Yeah, well, Tom sure swung for the fences when he hit me. Where is the jerk, anyway?”

”He's dead. Over there.”

Joey looked beyond Annja's shoulder and nodded. ”Serves him right. I can't believe he was using this place. Disgusting that he soiled the beauty of nature so much.” Joey looked around. ”Where's his partner in crime?”
