Part 69 (2/2)

”Like we were talking about before. She resents the fact that I make all the decisions in the family.”

”No other siblings?”

”Nah. Our parents died when we were young and from then on it's always been just the two of us. I took care of her. Sheltered her and looked after her. Even when I was in the service, I made sure she was always fine. Friends of mine would watch over her.”

”So, in other words, she's never had the chance to make her own decisions about anything,” Annja said.

”You see it one way. I see it another.”

”I see her feeling incredibly suffocated,” Annja said. ”No wonder she's so p.i.s.sed off at you.”

”She'll get over it,” Tom said. ”She always does.”

”What if you're wrong?”

”Wrong about her getting over it? Not likely. You don't know my sister very well.”

Annja s.h.i.+fted the bag on her shoulder. ”Well, maybe I don't know Sheila all that well, but I know how women think. And here's the thing, Tom. You just killed the only man she might have ever loved.”

”Like I told her, there are other fish in the sea.”

”Yeah, yeah, I know that line. But what you're missing here is the fact that David was probably the first guy she's ever made up her own mind about. All through her life she's had you watching over her.”

Tom was quiet and Annja kept going. ”How many boyfriends has she had?”

”I don't know.”

”Probably not many,” Annja said. ”And probably because you scared them all away, didn't you?”

”Not necessarily. A lot of the ones who came nosing around were losers who didn't mean to do anything, except get in her pants.”

”So what business is it of yours what she chooses to do and with whom? We all need to make our own mistakes,” Annja said.

”Not my sister. She doesn't need to make mistakes. I've made enough of them for both of us.”

Annja smirked. ”I'm sure you have. But that doesn't mean there hasn't been an incredible reservoir of resentment building up within Sheila's heart. She probably hasn't voiced it to you yet, but then there's what happened tonight. And your actions back at the hotel might just cause the dam to break, releasing all of that pent-up emotion. Anger. Hatred, even.”

”My sister doesn't hate me.”

They'd reached the truck and Annja set the package down on top of the others. She looked at Tom. ”Look, you don't have to listen to me. That's cool. But if I were you, I'd watch my back really carefully these next few days. Sheila's a volcano about to explode, and if you're in the path of her destruction you're toast, pal.”

Tom frowned. ”Are you finished a.n.a.lyzing my life?”

Annja shrugged. ”Like I said, take it or leave it. Makes no difference to me. I'll be dead.”

Tom smiled. ”That you will.”
