Part 50 (1/2)

Annja took another sip of beer. ”The cake didn't taste as if it had anything in it. Just rich and full of chocolate.”

Joey got up from his chair. ”I don't feel any different, do you?”

Annja shook her head. ”Nope. And I've been drugged enough times to know what it feels like.”

”There's a surprise,” Jenny said.

”What's that supposed to mean?” Annja whirled around. ”If you've got something to say, you'd better just say it.”

”What-you're taking offense at the fact that you're always off trying to save the world? No wonder you're alone all the time. You've got an ego the size of Texas keeping you from landing anyone around you as a potential mate. Meanwhile, I work my a.s.s off and have little to show for it. But you, Miss TV Hotshot, you've got guys you don't even know luring you across the globe, trying to get in your pants. Must be nice, must be really nice.”

Annja stared at her. ”Is that what you think? Is that what you actually believe?”

Jenny got out of her chair. ”I'm going to use the bathroom.”

Annja watched her go and then looked at Joey. ”It's not like that. Really.”

Joey put up his hands. ”Annja, I haven't known you all that long but if you even think that I'm getting anywhere near this thing, you're out of your mind. I'm keeping my nose out of it. All I want to do is see this supposed evidence and then get the h.e.l.l out of here. No wonder I always feel so much better in the woods.”

Annja sighed. ”You're right.”

David came back into the room. ”Where's Jenny?”

”Bathroom,” Annja said. ”We had a little misunderstanding.”

David put a hand on his chest. ”Not over me, I hope.”

”Shut up, David.”

Joey smirked. ”She's been saying that a lot tonight.”

”Well, I hope she comes back soon. The evidence should be here any minute and I don't want any of you to miss it,” David said.

”Miss it?” Annja frowned. ”How would we miss it?”

”Let's go outside. You'll be able to understand better out there.”

”What about Jenny?”

”She'll be along, I'm sure. She's a big girl. She can figure out where we're at.” David waved them out of the dining room. ”Now, come on and see.”

Joey glanced at Annja and shrugged. ”Guess we find out what the big deal is, huh?”

”I guess.”

Annja blinked. She still didn't trust David and this whole thing might be some elaborate setup. It had certainly happened to her enough times in the past.

She walked through the kitchen on the way to the back door. As she pa.s.sed the counter and the sink, she saw the dishes stacked inside it.