Part 47 (1/2)
David put the truck into Park and then switched off the ignition. ”Home sweet home.”
Annja stepped out of the truck and instantly felt the bite of the night air sweep over her. They were up a bit higher in elevation and she could feel the cold air settling in.
Jenny stepped out and s.h.i.+vered. ”Wow, it's colder up here.”
David waved them inside the ranch house. ”It'll be warmer inside once I get the lights on and stuff. Come on in.”
Joey crept out of the truck and took a look around. Annja saw him stooping and studying the ground. ”Everything okay?”
Joey looked up. ”Huh? Yeah. I guess.”
”What's that supposed to mean?”
Joey shrugged. ”Nothing. I'm tired, I guess. And he's right. As much as I want to hurt the guys who killed Cheehawk, I really can't. How would I care for this place if I was in jail? As much as they deserve it, sometimes the toughest part of being powerful is knowing when the universe has to dish out the justice and not you.”
Annja smiled. ”You say some pretty wise things for a kid.”
Joey grinned. ”I'm not a kid anymore. Not after Cheehawk died. And not after I saw who killed him.” He walked inside, leaving Annja alone in the darkness.
Lights flickered on inside the house and Annja could see more of it as it became illuminated from within. It was a modified ranch that looked as though there was an upstairs. Bits of wooden porch furniture sat near the entrance and Annja could see that David had a nice view of the valley below.
This must be something in the daylight, she thought.
”Annja?” David's voice called out from inside. ”You want a beer?”
Annja grinned in spite of herself. ”Yeah, great, thanks.”
The sheriff appeared on the porch with a bottle. He handed it to her and then pointed toward the valley. ”Pretty nice, huh?”
Annja took a sip and swallowed. ”I'd probably be in a better position to make that call when I can actually see it, but, yeah, it looks pretty nice.”
David smiled and moved closer to her. ”I'm glad you're here.”
Annja frowned. ”Really?” She took another sip from the bottle, watching David as he smiled at her.
She could feel the s.h.i.+ft in energy. Oh, great, she thought. Not this on top of everything else that's going on. She put up a hand as David moved in even closer. ”Please don't,” she said.
”You know what.”
David moved in again. ”What? I shouldn't try to kiss you?”
She put up her hand to stop him. ”You'd better not.”
David shook his head. ”I can't help myself. I'm really attracted to you. What's the harm in letting that show?”
”The harm,” Annja said, ”is that my friend is nuts about you and she's deeply hurt that you're not interested in her.”