Part 43 (1/2)
Annja frowned. Ellen hadn't seemed particularly upset or concerned back at the station. ”And what does Ellen think you should be doing?”
”We need help.”
Someone does, Annja thought. ”And?”
”We're hoping you might help us.”
”How in the world could I ever do that?”
”You and Jenny, you could let the outside world know what's going on here. You could get help for us.”
Annja shook her head. ”Look, Sheila, you're talking like you're trapped here. I don't see any gates or fences keeping you in town. I'm sure you could easily hop into your car and drive far away from this place. Both you and Ellen for that matter. If you're as concerned about this as you seem to be, then maybe that's exactly what you should be doing.”
”You don't believe me.” Sheila stood. ”I knew this was a mistake. I told Ellen there was no way you'd believe me but she insisted. And now you think I'm just as crazy as everyone else in town does. Don't you?”
Annja shook her head. ”I don't think you're crazy, Sheila. But honestly, this is all a bit much for me to handle right now. I'm exhausted. I'm supposed to be looking for big foot. And all this extra stuff keeps popping up, turning my world upside down. Truthfully, I don't know what to think about your story.”
”Will you at least do me a favor and think about what I've told you?”
Annja nodded. ”Absolutely. I promise.”
Sheila grinned. ”Thanks. I really appreciate that.” She started for the door and then turned around, her body bathed in a sunbeam. ”I'll bring your clothes up when they're finished. I'm sorry I disturbed your sleep.”
”It's okay.”
Sheila nodded once, turned and let herself out of the room again. Annja heard the lock engage and then slumped back down onto the mattress.
Good grief.
David was apparently an alien of some type or at least under the control of evil beings from another planet. She smirked. This was one for the books. Somewhere out in the woods there was potentially a Sasquatch or a family of them. Joey was still out there, as well, doing who knew what. Probably he was going to make Simpson's and Baker's lives a living h.e.l.l.
Simpson and Baker. Annja frowned. What were they really doing in this area? Surely they didn't think they were actually going to trap big foot and bring it to some laboratory, did they?
And if they didn't, then why were they here?
I need a computer and Internet access, she thought. She could at least investigate the meteor shower. And if that was confirmed, then perhaps there might be some shred of truth to Sheila's story that David was somehow different now.
Not that Annja believed for one moment that he was under the control of aliens. But perhaps Simpson and Baker were exerting more control than they'd let on earlier. And perhaps it had something more to do with the meteors and less to do with big foot.
What a mess.
Annja took a deep breath and tried to relax. But the images and thoughts swirling through her mind made that difficult. She rolled over and tried to focus on the soft drapes hanging in front of the windows.
The day outside was bright and sunny, contrasting with the mood of how she felt. She wondered if Jenny was sound asleep. Probably. And her dreams were most likely filled with visions of David in very little clothing.
Annja grinned. That was one of the things she loved about her friend. Jenny had two pa.s.sions-her work and men. She couldn't fault her for it, either. And if she was being completely honest, Jenny might have hit a little too close to home earlier when she asked if Annja was lonely.
It seemed odd to admit, but there were times when Annja wanted nothing more than to snuggle with someone.
Or at least something other than a mysterious sword.