Part 33 (1/2)

”We cross that bridge and we're in town.”

Annja looked at the bridge as they approached. Rough-hewn beams created a neat archway and they'd covered it like the old-style bridges. It was just wide enough for two people to walk through abreast.

”Nice work,” Annja said.

David nodded. ”We have many craftsmen in town. The kind of people who take a lot of pride in their work.”

On the other side of the bridge, the footpath changed to gravel and then a bit of asphalt led up to the main road. The three of them stepped out onto the street.

About a dozen buildings lined the street on both sides. She spotted four cars in total and there were even a few places where you could tie up a horse if you had ridden into town.

”You weren't kidding. This place is a bit old-fas.h.i.+oned.”

David pointed. ”My office is over there.”

They crossed the street and headed toward the police building. Annja felt a twinge in her gut and decided that a hot cup of coffee would be just the thing to make her feel worlds better.

David held the door open for them. ”Come on in.”

Annja and Jenny stepped into the station and David came in behind them. ”Coffee?”

”That's the magic word,” Jenny said.



A side door opened and a trim woman in her forties walked out. She smiled at David. ”I wondered when you might be in.”

David grinned. ”That's it?”


”That's all you have to say?”

The woman eyed him up and down. ”Well, you look like h.e.l.l, if that's what you're angling for.”

David smiled. ”Annja, Jenny, this is Ellen. She helps me out on the admin side.”

”And dispatch, and occasionally I strap on a pistol and back him up. But you know, don't let that keep him from making me seem like his personal secretary.”

David held up his hands. ”Hey, we've got guests. Is the coffee hot?”

”Scalding. I burned my tongue on it.”

”Great. You guys help yourselves.”

Ellen stopped him. ”Speaking of guests, you've got some waiting in your office.”