Part 25 (2/2)
”Yeah, why?”
”Because I just asked you a question and you ignored me.”
Annja smiled. ”Sorry, I got a little lost inside myself for a moment. It happens sometimes. I didn't mean to ignore you.”
Annja kept walking. ”So what was your question?”
”When did you first get that sword of yours and where is it now?”
Annja groaned. ”I thought we agreed not to talk about it?”
”I never agreed to that. I simply let you get on with figuring out what direction we were going. Now it's open season on you and that big hunk of metal you somehow heft.”
”You're not going to let me out of answering your questions this time, are you?”
”Not a chance, sister. Now start dis.h.i.+ng.”
Annja stooped to avoid a low pine branch. ”It was back in France. Several years ago. And ever since I got the sword, it's always with me.”
”I don't get it. Where is it?”
Annja decided the truth was the only way to go, even if Jenny had a hard time with it. ”I don't honestly know. It's as if it's in some other plane of existence. I can summon the sword and I can put it back there again.”
”What are you talking about? Like an out-of-body experience?”
Annja didn't feel like getting into this or the spirit walk she'd supposedly made with Joey's grandfather. ”I guess so. Maybe.”
”How weird.”
”It's most definitely weird. And since I'm not entirely sure how all of it works, it's even stranger to discuss, you know? I mean, I know that you want answers to your questions. But you've got to understand that I don't necessarily have any answers to give.”
”You've got questions of your own, huh?”
”You can say that again. The sword comes with a host of stuff that I can't even begin to talk about, let alone try to make you comprehend. I was chosen to have the sword for some reason, and that's all I know. For the time being, I have to accept that. Until I'm made aware of my destiny, if there even is one, then I guess I just keep doing what I know how to do.”
”In any event,” Jenny said, ”it makes for something to talk about on a long walk back to town.”
Annja stopped. ”Maybe not so long.”
Annja pointed. ”Look.”
Through the trees, they could see what looked like the black asphalt of a road. They'd made it out of the woods.