Part 20 (2/2)

A sudden on the outside of the shelter made them all jump. It was like a heavy pawing at the structure. At first, nothing much happened, but then the continued. It was trying to get inside the shelter.

Jenny backed up until she was against the trunk of the tree that Joey had built the shelter next to. Her hand gripped Annja's arm.

Joey glanced back at Annja and made a doublehanded grip.

Annja frowned. Joey wanted her to use the sword.


It was bad enough that he knew about it. But Annja wasn't crazy about pulling the sword out in front of Jenny. For one thing, it would be one more person who knew her secret.

And it might galvanize Jenny's belief that the Sasquatch did indeed exist.

Although, at just that moment, even Annja herself was considering revising her previous hard-line stance against the creature's existence.

Bits of branches and boughs came away from the shelter. The noises and sc.r.a.pes were accompanied by a low whining howl. The volume was less than it had been before.

But the fear still kept them all frozen in place.

Joey nudged Annja.

He showed her the small knife he carried and Annja knew that it would do no good if it came down to defending them against whatever was outside.

It would be up to Annja to save them.

How was she going to do this? The shelter was cramped and at close quarters. From past experience, she knew that drawing the sword required a minimum amount of s.p.a.ce. If things were too tight, it simply wouldn't materialize.

But one way or another, she was going to have do something soon. More branches and boughs came away from the shelter.

Joey frowned and then whispered, ”Annja.”

Annja nodded. ”I need some s.p.a.ce.”

The howling grew louder, as if the creature outside had heard them speak. The sounds of more branches and boughs coming away increased to a frenzy. A constant a.s.sault on their position was under way and Annja knew that she would have to literally go through the roof.

She figured she would have about three seconds to break out and draw the blade. She would need to be quick or she'd be completely vulnerable to attack.

But what other choice was there?

She turned to Joey and mouthed, ”On three.”

Joey nodded.

Annja closed her eyes. This had better work or else it was going to get ugly really quick.

Joey tapped Annja's arm.
