189 Chapter 189 : Her Disease!!! (1/2)

DxD System In DxD Seion 15400K 2022-07-19

Ingvild : Auntie what is he saying??

Ingvild : Furthermore how is he still alive??

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Ingvild : No wait, i'm still like this in the air thanks to him??

Katarea smiled wryly as the barrage of questions she got from her niece and proceeded in answering them one by one...

First, she explained about his Sacred Gear and his functions about Death and Revival and the meaning of his pillars...

Then how they met and how she has agreed to become his if he could truly save you which prompt her to ask him later how he truly healed her...

Hearing everything from her aunt, Ingvild, become beat red from the embarrassment especially the part of his pillars being his girlfriend even more so when her aunt become one...

Ingvild : Then if i accept becoming his pillar i can move?? Isn't that the same as having a peerage??

Katarea : Yes, although fundamentally they are different...

Ingvild : How so??

Katarea : Being his Pillar is the ability of his Gear, meaning that he can bind people that already belong to other Peearage or have formed a peerage...

Ingvild : So if i become his pillar i can later form my peerage as well if i get my pieces??

Katarea : Correct, or you can join one...

Ingvild : But based on what you told me aren't i already his Darkness Pillar since i killed him in my awakening??”

Ingvild : And actually how did i do that??

Haoh : Ah, i can tell you that...

Both of them looked at him and waited for his answer, however before they could hear what they wanted both of them heard something else...

Haoh : Don't you think its time to get down here instead of being trapped up there??