171 Chapter 171 : Talking!!! (1/2)
Just as everyone saw Kokabiel in the air everything stopped for everyone except his girls which was inside his 400 meters with him at the center...
Meaning a dome of 200 with him as the center forming a circle of 400 meters...
Right now the only ones who were there were Grayfia, Serafall, Koneko, Akeno, Xenovia, Irina, Kalawarner, Mittelt, Rossweisse and Gabriel looked at him slowly reforming his body from being a meat paste while Katarea was trying to move...
Gabriel looked confuselly as she didn't even realise why he had taken the attack and the only reason she didn't move to save him was that she thought he had a way out...
Now that she saw him in such a way, her eyes narrowed in anger both at her and at the girls next to him which simply smiled...
Irina : Gabriel-sama... You don't have to be so riled up...
Irina : Look around you this place has been locked down by the same space you went inside...
Xenovia : Yes... This place has a time limit of two hours while in the outside not even a second will have passed...
Gabriel looked curiously as she was told and she truly found out that even her brother froze along with the Maous...
She then pointed towards Haoh who was healing and this time Rossweisse chimed in...
Rossweisse : This is a result of his Sacred Gear... The more girls accept him as you did the faster he will heal in case he dies...
Rossweisse : If someone kills him and that person is a girl like what happened with Katarea right now he will place a black mark on her binding her on his gear as well...
Xenovia : Those who kill him are called Darkness Pillar while those who follow him are called Light Pillar...
Irina : Look he restored himself...
As Irina spoke everyone turned to see him in his peak condition and kept undusting his clothes...
Katarea : You... what did you do to me??
Haoh : Nothing much...
Katarea : I can't move and you say this is nothing much??
Haoh : Oh, you wouldn't know what i have done as i abuse my ability...