159 Chapter 159 : Reing?? Defeat!! (1/2)
Haoh : After that, my master helped me bind Raynare as the first Darkness Pillar and also partially restored any damage my soul suffered upon my death...
Shigune heard everything she needed to know about his gear but not about the training freezing time and such, she only heard about the marks and how they preserve his life...
Shigune : So what is your limit??
Haoh : 32... 16 of each Pillar...
Shigune : And you have now??
Haoh : 7 light and 5 Darkness...
Her expression darkened when she heard he died 5 times in a row and with his soul being damaged on top of that...
Shigune : The why can't you accept me as a light Pillar??
Haoh : Because i want to even the pillars and achieve Balance Breaker...
Shigune : Balance Breaker?? And what are the requirements for that??
Haoh : 8 Light and 8 Darkness...
Now her forehead had black lines while her eyes had dangerous glints inside them when she heard this...
However, no matter what she felt right now even if she exploded in anger she knew what that entailed and at the same time, she had realised what reaching his limit entailed...
Shigune : You mean, you need to die 3 more times??
Haoh : Well a total of 11 would be more accurate...
Shigune : And you are letting him getting killed each time?? Are you even his GIRLS!!!
Shigune, no longer been able to hold back her anger from his carefree attitude started lashing out verbally to Rias and the rest...
Akeno smiled at her causing her anger to rise rapidly until she heard her words in a mocking way that stumped her unable to refute back...
Akeno : We don't want to hear this from someone who abandons him, cause of fears...
Akeno : At least right now we are making sure wherever we are that if he died he will transform the wounds or cause of it into nothingness by depleting our magic power...