149 Chapter 149 : Light Pillar!!! (1/2)

DxD System In DxD Seion 15300K 2022-07-19

Irina tried to remember what happened and recalled that after she tried to slash Haoh, he kicked her in her ribs sending her flying crashing on the ground...

When she got up she felt pain in that area and knew she had broken one or two ribs...

Before she could even catch her breath she heard him yelling again about copying him again before she stood up and threw her swords at him in order to create a difference...

Just as she thought she hit him and blood flowed from his shoulders she raised her middle finger and then dizzyness...

Irina : Ugh... Damn...

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Haoh : If it makes you feel better you did slash me...

Irina : I don't see the bloody wounds!!!

Haoh : That's because i healed... But you can see the bloodstains that are fresh in my clothes...

Irina : It's not helping...

Haoh : Oh well whatever the point is that you lost... According to our bet, you are to become mine...

Irina : Oh right!! What did you mean that Xenovia was yours??

Haoh : Show her the mark on your neck...

Xenovia : Sigh... Here...

Xenovia who already knew about the marks showed her the black triangle in the back of her neck puzzling Irina about this rune that she sees...

Haoh : Rias show her yours...

Rias sighed as she showed her the exact mark but painted in white colour and she was puzzled even more before she asked what they meant...

Haoh : I'll tell you if you accept to be mine...

Irina : Ugh...

Haoh : What's wrong?? You lost you know...

Irina : You...!!! Sigh... Fine, fine i just have to agree for now right...

Haoh : Um... That's all...