143 Chapter 143 : Xenovias Nightmare!! 4 (1/2)

DxD System In DxD Seion 15490K 2022-07-19

The last thing Xenovia remembered was that she stabbed Haoh and hugged him at the same time as she didn't want him to escape like other times and declared her win...

Haoh : Who said you won??

Xenovia snapped her eyes wide open as she was frozen in place having taken a hugging position with the swords floating in front of her...

No, it seemed they were frozen in place and noticed that was true as both swords had blood on them...

She then tried to move and realised that she could only move her head...

Haoh : Oi?? Are you alive??

Haoh : What an idiot of course you are...

Xenovia : You!!

Xenovia : How are you alive??

Haoh : But i never died...

Haoh : Well, you did kill me numerous times but you have to try harder than that...

Xenovia : I killed you?? Then all those times my sword was passing from your neck and heart or stabbing your head???

Haoh : Out of 30 times your sword found its way in my body you only killed me 10 times...

Xenovia : What is your power and how you were doing all that in my body...

Haoh : First of all i let you killed me the first time to place a curse in you...

Haoh : When that happened, time except for me, froze...

Haoh : For me, two hours passed while you only felt a split second...

Xenovia : And you used all that to assault my BODY??

Haoh : As you said i'm a pervert, therefore i crave for beautiful girls...

Xenovia : You!!!!

Haoh : As i place the curse on you on the first time you killed me, then when you landed an attack on me space froze automatically as we are bound by something like...