141 Chapter 141 : Xenovias Nightmare!! 2 (1/2)

DxD System In DxD Seion 15870K 2022-07-19

Going back to their first dash as they were about to clash with each other, Haoh let Xenovia's sword pierced through his heart which stunned her as that wasn't her intention...

However, how should she know that he won't even attempt to dodge??

At that moment even before his blood flowed out the time around him and Xenovia froze, Haoh who groaned in pain got our of the tip of her sword and felt his wound already healed...

He grinned as this was the first time he had frozen the space after the integration of Boosted Gear and his powers up...

He looked at Xenovia and noticed that she was completely frozen in a thrusting motion forward as from her waist and upwards was bent forward...

He then pondered over as to why this had happened and figured it out...

Haoh : I see... I can control everything, including if i want them to move their head and witness my deeds...

Haoh : Hey system... If the two hours pass, does that mean she will be official my dark Pillar??”

DxD : If that's how Host wished is then yes...

Haoh : I see, then if i play with her now and then turn her into a Pillar will she feel everything afterwards??

DxD : Yes, she will feel everything as she will be bound to you...

Haoh : Then bind her as my Darkness Pillar since she killed me...

DxD : Done!!!

Haoh : Now then i wonder how will our fight wi seem outside by you constantly attacking me, my gear freezes the space and me playing with you...

Haoh started walking towards her and placed his hands on her boobs fondling her enjoying the soft feeling with her tight suit...

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