127 Chapter 127 : Who To Choose?? (1/2)

DxD System In DxD Seion 14820K 2022-07-19

Haoh cursed in his mind and wasn't trying to hide it in the least as everyone saw his face frowning...

Just as he saw his Status he realised that he now has four Darkness Pillars and six white ones... Where the hell would he find two Girls that are willing to kill him??

If he could find two of them that somehow hunt him down that would have been the best...

He suddenly feels regret not letting Kuroka kill him when she was angry, that would have been the best...

He now needs four Darkness and two White Pillars to achieve his Balance Breaker on his Gear...

Rias : Hmm... Haoh?? Is something off??

Haoh : Sigh, nothing much...

Haoh : So Grayfia you want me to send you there and then come back??

Grayfia looked at him with mixed thoughts as something definitely happened to him while he bonded with her and actually failed to register his question until he asked again a second time...

Grayfia : Are you sure??

Haoh : Yeah!!! Off you go!!!

Haoh snapped his fingers and true to his words she vanished in front of everyone, Sirzechs who was there tried to feel his connection to her through the Queen's Piece and surprising he couldn't get a reading...

After a few second Haoh snapped his fingers and Grayfia returned back as she was shaking from what she felt there...

Sirzechs and Rias went to her and held her so that she can calm down, while she collected her thoughts, it wasn't long that her face returned from being utterly in disbelief to slightly shaken one...

She could no longer have a straight face while she looked at Rias and Sirzechs who were deadly worried especially the latter one...

Grayfia : Was the density i felt there true??

Haoh : Um... That's right... Furthermore, you realised it right??