125 Chapter 125 : Who Will Taint Who!!! (1/2)
Serafall : Wait... Something doesn't seem right...
Haoh : About what??
Serafall : It was around 12-10 years that this small argument was created between the factions and during that time that Sirzechs met Grayfia and fell in love with her, Or how it was phrased now plotted to end the war...
Haoh : Countless years of the War Of The Past Era many factions used their own ideologies to create problems...
Haoh : One of those problems got permanently solved by their self-sacrifice and using the newborn of Millicas as a way out from the most factions...
Haoh : However that was a Civil War between devils that happened 12-10 years ago... How old do you think Millicas is now??
Serafall : Ughh... 11...
Hoah : There were a few more things added to the mix like where many Factions had disappeared to and what are they plotting since then...
Haoh : Not just factions from the Devils but from all major powers... The Angels, Human or Hero Factions and the Fallen Angels...
Haoh : Just how they took advantage of the situation and rumours back then, they are waiting for their chance...
Haoh : And i'm guessing the place they would most likely hit first after so many years would be...
Sirzechs : The meeting of the Peace Treaty...
Haoh : If i'm not wrong it has been scheduled for the next 1st of the month isn't that right??
Sirzechs : That's right...
Haoh : Then it would be for the best if you announced your null to her as your fake wife to see how the hidden forced would react to both the alliance of the treaty and the breakup...
Haoh : Oh right can i come as well??
Sirzechs : Hmm?? How so??
Haoh : I want to meet Michael and the rest of the Great Seraphs...
Haoh : Plus i want to return something to him...
Sirzechs : Since two of the participants are here i guess i'm okay if she is okay with it...
Serafall : I'm also okay with it...
Serafall : But i want to join you as well...