114 Chapter 114 : Freed!!! (1/2)
Haoh : Greetings little girl, do you need any help???
Asia : Aahhh.. No, no, no thank you...
Raynare : Don't be so stiff in front of us relax...
Asia : Miss...
Raynare : Just Raynare is fine, don't worry about it...
Issei : You two know each other??
Raynare : You can say that she works under me going around and heals people...
Haoh who knew about the true reason she worked under Raynare shook his head and then turned to Issei who got up with light bruise...
Haoh : And how come you found yourself protecting the little girl??
Issei : Well, i saw her getting bullied from them so i decided to help her...
Haoh : And why didn't you use...
Issei : They were people...
Just before Haoh could finish his words Issei interrupted him with a valid reason as he didn't use his Devil powers...
He wasn't planning to unless it was a life-threatening situation...
Both Haoh and Raynare sighed as they heard his reasons and turned back to the little loli nun, causing her to flinch as she could they had something in their minds...
Raynare : Asia-chan is that guy freed here??
Asia : Ugh...
Judging from her looks it turns out that he was around the vicinity, looking at each other and communicating with their minds they finally arrived in the conclusion to destroy the team that was sent here to take Asia's Sacred Gear...
As they were talking, somewhere from far away from there a young man with short white hair and red eyes were laughing crazily as he had spotted one of the traitors in their plans...
Freed : What a lucky day...
Freed took out two weapons he initially used. Before he started shooting at them covering the whole place in light bullets in broad daylight...
This caused them to wake up from their discussion and focused on the attacker as Raynare opened her wings and light spears formed deflecting the bullets...