105 Chapter 105 : Frustrations... (1/2)
Koneko after merging all the piece that she just got based on what Haoh and Raynare said while also checking her sister's behaviour, felt too many emotions...
But the most distinguished one was anger. Anger towards herself for not knowing the suffering her sister went through and anger towards her sister who abandoned her...
Koneko : Then why!!! Why!!! Why did you vanished and left me all alone...
As she spoke, her anger could be felt with each word causing Kuroka to be a loss for words...
Although Koneko had already figured it out, she wanted to hear it from her elder sister mouth...
Kuroka : I... I...
Koneko : Answer me!!!
Koneko raised her fist and punched at her sister hitting her in her abdomen as she flew outside of the window...
Le Fey : Kuroka!!!
Haoh : Let them be...
Le Fey : Huh???
Haoh : Didn't you notice?? Koneko only holds anger directed both at herself for being too weak at that time to help her Sister...
Haoh : And at Kuroka who abandoned her...
Le Fey : But even so...
Haoh : What I'm more concern is that the students will get entangled in this...
Le Fey : I created a barrier when Kuroka broke through the window, something similar akin to another dimension...
Raynare : That explains why I passed so many rooms through the walls and saw no one...
Haoh : Let's go we should follow them...
Le Fey : But you said..
Haoh : I said that to stop you from attacking I never said we can't follow them...
Both girls raised their mouths forming an O, as they quickly went outside only to hear bangs here, bangs there...