84 Chapter 84 : More Girls!!! (1/2)

DxD System In DxD Seion 14740K 2022-07-19

Haoh : You are right that can't be faked but this doesn't mean i can keep pulling this off...

Sirzechs : Should you really say something like that to me???

Haoh : Sure you will be my brother in law...

Sirzechs : Sigh... So carefree i see...

Haoh : Well before i move on with Rias, i need to take care of something else first and i think i let it unattended for quite a bit of time...

Sirzechs : Since it's Rias problem do you need any help???

Haoh : Not really...

Raynare : Oooouuufff... Delicious...

With Raynare's voice sounding in the living room as they sat on the table, the two looked at the stuffed girls and then at the empty plates...

A scream of despair was heard inside their souls as there was nothing left to eat...

Haoh : Time passed quite nicely with the food gone and all the talk...

Sirzechs : Yeah... I guess we will have to find a place to stay then...

Rias : Stay here???

Sirzechs : Yes, our father told us to monitor a few things including him...

Serafall : Same for me, but i guess little sis will take me in...

Sona & Rias : Ughh...

Haoh : Sorry to say this but Sona is going to help me with something therefore for almost a month she will be out of town, specific location unknown...

Sona blinked her eyes at Haoh but then she remembered about the space in his gear where she could hide or go when there are annoying people...

Sona : Aaa... That's right we were talking about it before you people came in... Unfortunately, i will be missing for close to a month...

Serafall : Eehhh Now way!!!

Sona : Sory about that, Serafall so for now you would have to possibly go back!!!