76 Chapter 76 : Returning!!! (1/2)
Sona : Who said i don't like my body??
Haoh : Then why can't i talk about my girlfriend's body??
Sona : Oh, forget it!!
Rias : By the way when are you going to help me with my attribute??
Haoh : For that, you either have to enter the space as it calms it down or constantly sleeps with a male next to you...
Haoh : But for the latter, it will take much longer...
Rias : That works as well??
Haoh : Well, i don't know the details but your attribute leans at extreme yang while you are a girl, therefore, you have more problems controlling it...
Haoh : It is more suitable for guys...
Haoh : Or when our engagement is finalized you can also enter my Gear's space and train there as it will be customised according to the bound mate's needs...
Rias : I see...
Rias : When are you going to solve the other problems??
Haoh : Apart from Issei there are more problems??
Rias : Kiba and One more...
Haoh : I never said i will solve those 2 you are talking about, i only promised to fend off your families and solve the problem of Issei...
Haoh : I could if you owe me a favour for each one though...
Rias : Then forget it... Something tells me your favours are not going to sit well with me...
Haoh : You will see in the future...
Raynare : Hey, hey... Stop talking with your fake girls and let's go!!!
Haoh : Sure...
Rias and Sona were watching with somewhat complex expression in their faces as Raynare with Rossweaisse having hugged one arm each walking away with Haoh...
Koneko : President, are we going to stand here for a long time??