68 Chapter 68 : Getting Recieved... (1/2)
Azazel : Hahahahaha, our Little wie wie....
Michael : You have no manners...
Odin : What?? I said it with everyone in consideration in my mind... I could just say your dicks...
Lord Sitri : We get it, we get it...
Sirzechs : Well then where would our little friend be??
Viper : We stayed here for too long...
Riser : Che... He is just hiding...
??? : I wouldn't be so sure of that...
Everyone turned to see 4 girls having just arrived to hear what Riser had said and Riser seeing who had arrived was excited...
Riser : Rias!!! My beautiful Rias!!!
Lord Sitri : Sona...
Azazel : Raynare...
Odin : Rossweisse-chan...
Rias : Greetings... We have come here to Guide you...
Sirzechs : Rias...
Rias : What is it, brother??”
Sirzechs : Are you serious about all this??
Rias : Ahh, i see the spies never mentioned to any of you how we engaged to him...
Sona : That's to be expected since they run with their tails in their backs...
Raynare : Hahahaha, that was so fun...
Rossweisse : Sigh... Can we finish everything we came here for??
Sirzechs : Can you girls explain a bit about the whole situation??
Rias : It's nothing major...
Sona : We lost in a simple game we participated on our own will and the results i'm sure everyone knows them...
Lord Sitri : You mean you were forced??
Riser : Hahahahahaha, i knew it!!! I'm gonna burn this insect to the ground!!!
Sirzechs : Rias??