54 Chapter 54 : A Date It Is!!!! (1/2)

DxD System In DxD Seion 16540K 2022-07-19

Haoh : Oh?? And who would that be??

Rossweisse : You'll find out when you come with me...

Haoh : With you????

Rossweisse : Yes me!!!

Haoh : Are you trying to book me for a date??

Rossweisse : Yes, yes, i'm try... Hah!!!!

Haoh : I'm sorry to say this but i already have a few girls pestering and although they are beauties in their own right, i can't just leave with another beauty like that it would breaked their hearts...

(If fallen angels have any that is...) Rossweisse blushed and opened her eyes wide open as she was pointing at him while it trembled...

Rossweisse : I'm not!!!!

Haoh : Eeehhh, so you are not trying to book me??

Rossweisse : I am!!!

Hoah : Then it's a date!!!

Rossweisse : No!!!!

Haoh : Oh come on make up your mind will you... You want us to go somewhere or not?? Isn't that a date!!!

Rossweisse's head had become rosy all over her face and was almost steaming, she had totally lost her pace with him that no matter what she says now it would still seem like a date...

Rossweisse : I came here to invite you as per orders of someone else!!! I'm a messenger and a guide if you like!!!

Haoh : I see, i see a guide towards your heart... A date it is...

Rossweisse : Yes, yes... A da... No!!!! Stop that!!!!

Haoh : Are you sure???

Rossweisse : Ughh... what do you mean??

Haoh : You eyes and face are shining with cuteness... You totally want to go on a date...

Rossweisse : Ummnn... I.... No!!!! Come on!!!!!

As they were talking the guys behind the clash had stars in their eyes, how the hell can he treat a Bella like that with his own pace and make her flutter as if it's nothing...

Not only them even the girls had to admit that he has some skills and if he were to do the same to them they would probably accept without knowing how...