32 Chapter 32 : Puzzles!!! (1/2)
A few minutes before Haoh send them in their spaces, at the point where Haoh was talking with Raynare and Koneko, Rias who was watching her in her own way she could feel something is off with her...
It was especially true when she left in a hurry with the excuse she wasn't feeling well, with Koneko out of the picture Rias looked at Akeno and she nodded at her before vanishing from the room...
Kiba : Isn't this a bit too much??
Rias : If it is i'll apologise later, however, how come she didn't have any memories overlapping??
Rias : This is a problem that we must find out what really happened in case we might fall for a trap...
Kiba : Then again we might have fallen into one right from the start...
Rias : That's also true...
Going back to the alley where the everything returned to normal, Akeno was shocked to see from far away Koneko with 3 Fallen angels and Haoh together...
She was even more shocked when Koneko left and Haoh waved his hand making the three of them vanish leaving him all alone in the alley...
She had kept a distance of 2000 meters away from Koneko therefore for her when Koneko reached there she met with the others nothing particular wrong...
But to Koneko it was 2 hours in that zone... Furthermore, she didn't even notice that she was being followed by her...
She knew that perhaps a few familiars might monitor her but not Akeno herself, when she saw Haoh alone for a bit before he started to move he was in a dilemma to follow or not...
In the end, she gave up the idea as she didn't want Koneko to return and sees her missing from the club therefore she turned and flew away...
After a few minutes, Koneko returned back with her usual tone that everyone knows and saw all three of them sitting there she thought can it be they didn't bother to send a familiar at all??
Soon the bell rang that indicated the end of the school day and everyone returned to their homes, Koneko wasn't an exception she said goodbye and left...