27 Chapter 27 : Meeting Death Again... (1/2)
Haoh already bricked a few farts behind his ass, he was sweating inside and outside as he wasn't sure which attack will kill him first and which will shred him...
His gear works only on one girl and not on two, therefore, he will bind either the shorty or the mature one looking it depends on which spear they are holding will kill him...
Haoh : Why are you raising your hands in the air...
Haoh : Who are you two...
??? : Heh, look at him ready to piss his pants on...
???? : Let's hurry up, we don't want to draw unnecessary attention to us...
Both of them drew their hands even further as they had raised them and then launched the spears forward at incredible speeds...
Haoh only saw two flashes and felt a weight lifting from him as if he had become lighter before passing out... At that point, he managed to hear in his head...
DxD : Host Has Taken Critical Damage.
DxD : The Host Has Died By Both Attacks...
DxD : Estimation Of Recovery 1 Hour And 30 Minutes...
??? : What the??? I can't move...
???? : I can't move either... What happened....???
??? : Kalawarner do something...
Kalawarner : I'm trying Mittelt, but i can't even use magic...
Mittelt : What the hell, we froze when we killed him?? A sealing space???
Kalawarner : Damn, then how long are we gonna stay here....??
??? : Found you.........
???? : Was it you?? Fallen Angels!!!!!!
Both of them heard a familiar voice and a non-familiar one, when they tried to look by turning a bit their heads they saw 2 figures standing in the air as they looked at them with killing intent...
Mittelt : Raynare, where the hell have you been!!!!