12 Chapter 12 : Meeting Everyone.... 2 (1/2)
??? : That Man is incredibly weak, how can he best her...??
???? : Than man might have gotten help from someone that killed Raynare or he was a sacred Gear that made it possible for him to kill her...
??? : Then what are we going to do... Kalawarner??
Kalawarner : Mittelt, we need to check if he is in possession of a Gear and if he is, we need to find it's ability.....
Mittelt : No matter what, if both of us attacks him and strike his heart he won't have his chance to activate his Gear...
As they spoke up of what they have to do, back on the Academy Haoh was in his class and was talking to his system about something he thought...
Haoh : System, my Gear can bind 16 people right?? Can it bind more than that???
DxD : No it can't, it's limit is 16 people of all kinds, Fallen Angels - Devils - Youkais - Gods - Humans - Angels - Vampires - Dragons - Nekomata
Haoh : Then can i replace someone i have already bind??
DxD : Not at the moment...
Haoh : Will i be able to change them when i achieve Balance Breaker??
DxD : The Host's Balance Breaker is a Small World inside the core of your Gear....
Haoh : Wait apart from the 16 jewels or stones or whatever, that become like spaces for those that have been bound there is also the core who is a separate space??
DxD : Correct... When Achieving Balance Breaker the core will open up connecting to all 16 making a bridge and connect everyone within it...
DxD : When they reached that space Host will be able to break the bind releasing them outside therefore freeing one spot...
Haoh : I see what are the requirements to activated the Gear as i kinda scammed Raynare...
DxD : Host was partially correct it indeed activates when you die or when someone wills you to bind them... However, Host can choose if he wants to bind them when the time freezes or kill them within 2 hours, furthermore, Host can't bind guys.....