636 Fighting Moye (1/2)
”It's kind of weird to think that we are finally going to fight the dark lord, won't you say?” Xiao Libie exclaimed. He felt grateful to be a part of this historical event. Regardless of the outcome, he could finally say that he had lived to the fullest.
”I think the final liberation of humanity is very near. We can start the counter-offense here on Mars, which soon will spread like wildfire to the other planets.” Tan Bu mused. The liberation of Mars could be a break in humanity's fall. Not only does it represent the break of Zergs' chain of offense, but it would also allow the humans to spread the GN gun technology to the rest of the universe. With it, the space fleets would advance their technology significantly.
However, those should be the topics for the future, and humans' current priority should be the Dark Lord Moye.
So far, two of the most powerful human warriors had failed to overcome him. Were Wang Tong and his men really capable of finishing their task?
One thing was clear, that the forbidden power was useless in this case, since it was only meant to kill off a large number of weaker enemies. A horde of primitive Zergs was one thing, but Moye and his purple guards were another.
Kaedeians were a very unique unit in that they were all women. After the few days of fighting alongside the humans, they had gained confidence in their ability; however, that didn't amount to their confidence in their mission.
As a matter of fact, no one on Battle Wolf was certain that they would prevail as they did in the last battle. This was a high stake gamble; their only hope lay in the fact that Moye would not have fully recovered from his battle with Lie Jintian.
This attack seemed like a right move strategically, but seemed so wrong from a tactical point of view.
Heidi recited the creed of the Kaedeians as she prepared herself mentally for the fight. This was going to be her last fight; she would either die on the battlefield, or live the rest of her life peacefully.
The scouts came back with news of the Zergs' movements. Their number was not great, but all of them were dark ones. It was evident that the dark lord was running out of patience and had forsaken the idea of surrounding Wang Tong with a massive amount of Zergs.
”How much time do we have?”
”At most twenty minutes. There were about three hundred of them, all elite dark ones.”
”Good! I am tired of waiting. Let's cut them down!”
Other than Deep Blue, the rest of the direwolves had awakened. Although their appearance didn't change much after they had devoured the queens, their power had improved by leaps and bounds. Wang Tong had assigned the direwolves to mastery casters to increase their defense.
This battle would be a small scale but intense one between elite soldiers, and the chances of using the group spell were almost none. However, the mastery casters could still partake in the fight using personal spells to help the METAL warriors.
Lie Jian opened his eyes and saw that Wang Tong was still cultivating. ”Moye is here.” He announced quietly.
”My lord, there is still some time. ” Lie Shan spoke under his breath. He could feel the power inside Lie Jian; he was no longer the callow and vacuous boy he used to be. He had grown up into an experienced veteran.
This match would determine the fate of House Lie; truth be told, Lie Shan didn't want to see Lie Jian getting involved in this fight. He was a grizzled old man, and he had lived long enough to know that nothing was a greater victory than being alive. However, Lie Jian being how he was, he would never back down at his moment. Hadn't he grown older and wiser? Yes. But he was a member of the House Lie, and House Lie was not cravens. If he chose to abandon the fight, he would have forsaken the honor and tradition that House Lie had upheld for generations.
”Let me deal with Moye; you can take care of the rest. ” Lie Jian said quietly but firmly. Lie Jian had thought a lot about this decision. He knew that Wang Tong was stronger than him, and therefore, it made sense for Wang Tong to deal with Moye. However, Wang Tong had just unleashed the forbidden power, and therefore, still needed time to recover. Lie Jian hoped that he could last long enough for Wang Tong to recover. He would give all he could, but the rest was in the hands of the gods.