Chapter 556: The Perfect Man (1/2)
Chapter 556: The Perfect Man
Translator: OneshotwonderEditor: Hitesh_
Wang Tong flew into the sky, and it wasn't until then that people remembered Battle Wolf's badass Captain.
Yin Tianzong and Vorenus both veered to the side and made room for him in the air. Gun Dongyang and Xiao Yuyu had also paused their attacks and appeared beside him. The rest of the soldiers on the ground cranked up their GN force and pushed the Zergs back for a few dozen meters.
Wang Tong folded his hands and started chanting an unknown spell. As he did so, Guan Dongyang and Xiao Yuyu lowered their elevation and formed a triangle with their leader.
”Is our Captain a METAL warrior or a caster?”
”What a stupid question! Our Captain is a god!”
”Our captain was the only person who had defeated Patroclus. He is the dragon warrior, the heir of the Blade Warrior…He is Wang Tong!”
He was the only human METAL warrior who could also cast spells. The spell he was casting right now required the help of two additional legendary casters. Below them were twenty or so level nineteen casters who were also transferring their power to him.
The soldiers were stupefied by the scene, and they simply couldn't comprehend how powerful this spell was going to be. Hans stared at the triangle formation speechlessly. The incredible scene had made him forgot that he was still in a war.
As Wang Tong chanted, vibrant red lights ran down the sky. The red had a blood undertone to it, which naturally evoked fear in the hearts of the onlookers. The color gradually turned darker until blotches of dark spots appeared. By then, the sky seemed to have been scorched by flames.
The temperature increased, and the soldiers on the ground started to feel difficulty breathing in the boiling hot air. The mastery casters were more sensitive to the changes in the natural energy, and they could tell that a powerful force was driving the natural energies to conglomerate. Wang Tong was not simply borrowing the natural energy; he was outright using it as a weapon. Perhaps that was the power of the god.
Suddenly, thousands of rays of golden lights shot out from Wang Tong's body as he shouted, ”Divine Punishment! ”
The earth moaned at the release of an unthinkable amount of energies while the sky rained fire. It looked beautiful from a distance, but it was hell for the Zergs. The fire burned so intensely that the Zergs were reduced into crispy fries before they even came to contact with it. Even the dark ones could not escape their doomed fate.
Everyone who watched this spell from afar was stunned by the unprecedented power at display. This was the most powerful spell they had and would ever see in their lives.
One word resonated inside of everyone's heart: God.
The fiery rain lasted for only a dozen seconds; however, it was able to annihilate the entire Zerg force completely. The only few Zergs that survived the Armageddon dashed away from the battlefield in fear and delirium.
Seeing Wang Tong and his heroic cohort approach the city wall, the three leaders of the major factions greeted them with warm smiles.
”Congratulations, Lord of the City!”
Not sure who had started shouting Battle wolf's name, but soon, the entire city joined in. The sun finally reached the zenith, and its light kissed the warriors' cheeks softly.
People had finally seen the light after the long dark night.
Meanwhile, Sanders was still contemplating if he should send in reinforcements to Maersa. It had proven to be a difficult decision to make. He had suffered a few defeats lately, and his men needed to rest. But, he didn't want to lose his credibility to the other factions by changing his mind at the last moment. In the end, he had decided to station a small number of forces just outside the battlefield to help any human soldiers who got out of the battle alive to escape.
”My lord, I have good news!”
”Oh? What? The Maersa City is safe now?” Sanders was startled by the news. ”Didn't you say that Zergs had sent in an entire legion? How is it possible? ”